Archbishop Elpidophoros of America welcomed Rev. Presbyter Nicolaos Paros to the Archdiocese Headquarters

On Wednesday November 8, 2023, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America welcomed Rev. Presbyter Nicolaos Paros to the Archdiocese Headquarters to offer his blessing upon his new assignment as the Proistamenos for the Holy Cross Church in Whitestone, NY. Also pictured is the Chancellor of the Archdiocesan District, the Rev. Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Throne Elias Villis. 

The Rev. Presbyter Nicolaos Paros is a devoted clergyman with a profound commitment to his faith and a passion for serving his community. His journey as a clergyman began with his ordination to Diaconate on February 23, 2019, followed by his ordination to Priesthood on March 24, 2019. These milestones mark the beginning of a significant chapter in his spiritual journey.

Prior to his ordination, Fr. Nicolaos was actively engaged in the life of the church. He began serving the Saint Demetrios Cathedral in Astoria as a layperson in July 2018. His dedication and spiritual leadership were quickly recognized, and in February 2019, he was officially assigned as a clergy member, further deepening his involvement in the pastoral and spiritual guidance of the congregation.

Fr. Nicolaos Paros pursued his undergraduate studies at Long Island University, and his academic journey led him to earn a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology. However, his true calling led him to Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, Massachusetts, where he earned a Master of Divinity, combining his academic and theological pursuits. Fr. Nicolaos is bilingual as his family originates from the island of Chios for which he has great love.  

His first Divine Liturgy at Holy Cross will be a momentous occasion and is scheduled for Sunday, November 19.

The Holy Cross Church welcomes Fr. Nicolaos, along with his Presvytera Maria and their daughter Polixeni.

Photos: GOARCH

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