Archiepiscopal Encyclical: Invitation to Participate in UN Rally for Macedonia

I invite you to mobilize and join me in the rally organized by the Pan-Macedonian Association of the USA, the Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater New York and the Hellenic Congress of America, on Sunday, March 18, 2018, 12:00 to 3:00 p.m., in the park next to the United Nations Plaza in New York City
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Archiepiscopal Encyclical for Matters of Justice and Truth

With the grace and blessing of the Omnipotent God, we have entered the new calendar year 2018, which we celebrate rooted in our faith to Christ Who revealed Himself to us, a faith through which everything is possible and attainable, especially matters of justice, truth, peace and love.
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Archiepiscopal Encyclical Announcing the 44th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress

With joy in our hearts as we anticipate the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, I join with the beloved and respected Hierarchs of the Holy Eparchial Synod and the members of the Archdiocesan Council in announcing that our 44th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress and the national meeting of the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society will convene July 1 to 5, 2018, in Boston, Massachusetts.
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Encyclical for the Rebuilding of the Saint Nicholas National Shrine

This is the witness that will be offered by our Saint Nicholas National Shrine. Centrally located, it will be a beacon to all who visit Ground Zero. The light that will shine from this place will not only be by architectural design, but a light that will illuminate the path to God. Saint Nicholas and the ministry offered there will shine forth the truth of the Gospel and grace that comes through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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Encyclical for the Ten-Year Memorial of the Repose of Archbishop Iakovos (04/10/2015)

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On behalf of our Holy Eparchial Synod, I am writing to you in recognition of the ten-year anniversary of the falling asleep in the Lord of our beloved Archbishop Iakovos, late Archbishop of North and South America.
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Archbishop Demetrios calls for prayers for the Christians in the Middle East

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, For decades, the region considered a cradle of civilization and the birthplace of Christianity has become an arena of violence, resulting in the loss of countless lives. While the source of violence has varied in each instance, what is consistent in every case is that the blood of innocent victims has saturated the Middle East. This is especially true of Christians, who have endured unimaginable suffering because of their faith.
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Encyclical For The 5th Year Memorial for Archbishop Iakovos (04/10/2010)

Saturday, April 10th marks the close of a blessed chapter in the history of the Holy Archdiocese of America for it is the 5th Anniversary of the falling asleep of our revered and beloved predecessor, the late Archbishop Iakovos.
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Three-Year Memorial Encyclical Upon the Falling Asleep in the Lord of Archbishop Iakovos Former Archbishop of North and South America (04/10/2008)

Three-Year Memorial Encyclical Upon the Falling Asleep in the Lord of Archbishop Iakovos On behalf of our Holy Eparchial Synod, I write to you on the third year anniversary of the passing away of our deeply beloved and respected Archbishop Iakovos of North and South America. Our memory of Archbishop Iakovos remains alive after three years since his falling asleep in the Lord. We remember him for his tireless efforts and intense passion for promoting the truth of the Gospel. He had been a visionary who championed civil liberties and the growth of Christian unity, and a great ecclesiastical leader of our Church and Omogenia for decades.
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Special Encyclical on the Occasion of the Visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the Ecumenical Patriarchate

I write to you on behalf of the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America in order to convey to you information regarding the forthcoming visit of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to the Ecumenical Patriarchate. There, at the Center of Orthodoxy in the Phanar, His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will receive Pope Benedict on the occasion of the Patronal Feast of our Ecumenical Patriarchate, November 30, the Feast of St. Andrew, the First-called Apostle of Jesus Christ.
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Encyclical for the One-Year Memorial Upon the Falling Asleep in the Lord of Archbishop Iakovos (04/10/2006)

On behalf of our Holy Eparchial Synod, I write to you on the first year anniversary of the blessed passing away of Archbishop Iakovos of North and South America. One year ago, we grieved deeply upon offering our last respects to a great ecclesiastical leader who led the Church and the Omogeneia for decades.
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Encyclical for Greek Education

With the beginning of a new school year, given to us by the love of God, we are offered the opportunity to once again consider, with deeper appreciation, education in general, and Greek Orthodox education in particular.
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Encyclical of Archbishop Demetrios for the 40 Day Memorial of Archbishop Iakovos

On behalf of our Holy Eparchial Synod, I write to you as we prepare to observe the passing of forty days since the falling asleep in the Lord of our beloved spiritual leader Archbishop Iakovos. As we remember this deeply respected servant of God during this Paschal season, we come together as a family strengthened by the triumph of the Risen Christ over death and renewed by the promise of eternal life with Him.
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Special Encyclical - The Falling Asleep in the Lord of Archbishop Iakovos, Former Archbishop of North & South America (04/10/2005)

On behalf of our Holy Eparchial Synod, I write to you in order to announce the passing on Sunday, April 10 of our deeply respected and beloved spiritual leader Archbishop Iakovos, who served as Archbishop of North and South America from 1959 to 1996. As we mourn his departure, we remember a servant of God whose example of courage and inspiration greatly influenced both our Church and our nation.
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Encyclical for the Clergy Laity Congress 2002

I greet you in the anticipation of our celebration of the sacred and glorious feast of Pascha, asking for our Lord's continuous blessings of strength and grace as you prepare for the Day of Resurrection through prayer, worship services, fasting, and ministry to those in need. During this time, preparations are also being made for the meeting of our Biennial Clergy Laity Congress to be held in Los Angeles, June 30 – July 5. This gathering of the faithful from throughout America takes on particular significance in light of the events of this past year.
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Encyclical for the Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross (04/07/2002)

On the sacred occasion of the Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross, which constitutes the expression of the power of God in overcoming even the worst possible ordeals and difficulties, we invite all the faithful of our parishes to pray fervently for peace and reconciliation throughout the world and particularly throughout the land where the Crucifixion and Resurrection of our Lord took place.
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Inaugural Encyclical of Archbishop Demetrios (10/30/1999)

I greet you with paternal love and with fervent prayer for your peace, welfare, and unity on the occasion of the completion of my first month as your Archbishop. As I begin, by the grace and the will of God, my sacred ministry among you, entrusted to me by our Ecumenical Patriarchate, I call to mind the words of the Apostle Paul, who commends us at all times to the evangelical calling to rejoice. His two-fold injunction—"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice"—defines the life of faith that we now live by the grace of the Son of God, a life of blessings multiplied through the fellowship with God and our fellow man that we experience in Christ.
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Archive: Archbishop Demetrios' Encyclicals