Speaker Series Launched by Department of Religious Education

Speaker Series Launched by Department of Religious Education 

In the spirit of giving, the Department of Religious Education of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is pleased to present another Series. This newest one is the Speaker Series.

Starting on Sunday, December 19th, a series of live webinars about some of the Major Feasts in the Church will commence. Beginning with no other than the Speaker Series about the Nativity of Christ: https://www.goarch.org/-/speaker-series. With just the click of a button, anyone anywhere can join these live presentations from distinguished speakers in the Orthodox Christian world. The Speaker Series will follow with a question and answer period, so clergy, educators, and the faithful can speak with these bright minds of the Church. Before the Major Feast of every season, the Speaker Series will explore the timely theme to prepare you, and those you teach, for a deeper spiritual journey into the heart of Christianity.

Each and every Speaker Series will be announced on the Religious Educators email list, so subscribe today at: religioused.goarch.org. This Series will also be announced on the Department’s new social media accounts — Instagram, Twitter, Facebook: @goarchDRE — so follow to stay up-to-date.

The Speaker Series logo is green since it is the liturgical color for the feast of Pentecost. The day the Holy Apostles, by the power of the Holy Spirit, began speaking in a multitude of languages. ​​They could speak to anyone and everyone regardless of language. Similar to live webinars, where one can speak to anyone and everyone regardless of location — both with the same hope of spreading the Gospel.

Have questions? Kindly contact:

Department of Religious Education

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

phone: 646-519-6300  |  toll-free: 800-566-1088

email: [email protected]

website: religioused.goarch.org
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