Remarks by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, at the Conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, on “The Founders Legacy Society”

Photo Credit: GOARCH / Dimitrios S. Panagos

Holy Cross Chapel

Brookline, Massachusetts

March 19, 2023

My dear Christians,

As we conclude today’s Divine Liturgy, we remember the patrons of our beloved Hellenic College and Holy Cross.

In our own day, this group of donors is led by the amazing Helen Carlos, who continues to nourish the School in ways that go far beyond the resources provided.

We remember in this memorial, all those who have passed on, but who in life were deeply devoted to this Institution.

And in inaugurating “The Founders Legacy Society,” we honor a remarkable group of women and men who have learned the truth of the proverb: “Blessed are they who plants trees under whose shade they will never sit.” These stewards of God’s bounty and blessing are laying up their treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust corrupt, and where thieves do not break in and steal.*

With these legacy donors, we can help secure the future of Hellenic College and Holy Cross for generations to come. The community that created the Greek Orthodox experience in America has also created an abundance of material blessings. The Founders Legacy Society is committed to sharing this abundance with the School, which is our essential reservoir of clergy into the future. The vision of these founders is a reflection of their faith in the Resurrection; for they realize that there is an eternal life that follows this one.

And so, let us hold precious the memories of all who have come before us and whose sacrifices have paved the way for the present. And let us honor all those who are planting now, so that in a future that they may not witness, the fruits of their labors continue in a harvest, bearing fruit “in measures of thirtyfold, sixtyfold, and a hundredfold.”


* Cf. Matthew 6:20.

† Mark 4:20.

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