NNJYAL Beefsteak Fundrasier

The Northern New Jersey Young Adult League (NNJYAL) is hosting a Beefsteak Fundraiser on March 9. The NNJYAL kindly requests your support through sharing this event with your GOYA and Young Adult community. This event is open to all and families are encouraged to come! Tickets can be purchased until February 28. There will be all-you-can-eat filet mignon, pasta, ice cream, raffle baskets, a cash bar, DJ, and dancing! Register here.

NNJYAL has achieved significant milestones in the past year since our start. We had our second annual New Year's Bash on January 6, where we had an amazing turnout, selling exactly 148 tickets. Throughout the year, we have held events such as Orthodoxy on Tap once a month, a Summer BBQ, a Mets Game Trip, a Young Adult Sunday at St. Nicholas National Shrine NYC/Brunch Trip, and a Summer Panagiri! We have also accumulated over 600 followers on Instagram! (Follow us on Instagram! @NNJYAL) 

This Beefsteak is our sole fundraising event to help us to grow and continue our efforts. NNJYAL is a great way for Greek Orthodox Young Adults to STAY CONNECTED after GOYA. Join your community for an evening of fun and support us in engaging our youth!

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