2007 News Archives

Major Gift From the Spanos Family to the Greek Fire Relief Fund

New York - His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios announced today a major gift of $1,000,000 to the Greek Fire Relief Fund of the Archdiocese from Faye and Alex Spanos and their family. “We are deeply moved by the very generous response of yet another devoted family of our Archdiocese who wish to offer their assistance to those individuals affected by the disaster in Greece”, stated His Eminence in announcing this latest contribution to the fund. “Truly, Mr. Spanos, along with his beloved family, is not simply a man of words but more importantly of action. We are most appreciative to him, Mrs. Spanos and their dear children for this contribution which will certainly enhance the assistance the Archdiocese will offer to those in need”. 

When making his contribution to the Greek Fire Relief Fund, Alex Spanos stated, “We watched with heavy hearts the catastrophic fires and the destruction they left behind which affected thousands of people, their property and the beautiful countryside of Greece. I was greatly moved by the tragedy unfolding before my eyes and I know that every Greek American and every person was equally moved”. Alex Spanos, a noted philanthropist, has contributed generously to the relief efforts for victims of the 1986 earthquake in Kalamata and to countless charities supporting Hellenic groups and causes throughout his life. He has always been at the forefront of any effort to assist and promote Greece to the rest of the world.

His Eminence, commenting on the gift, continued, “No doubt, the noble generosity of the Spanos family speaks highly of their sense of philanthropy. Truly, they are an inspiration for every faithful member of our Archdiocese and the community-at-large. I hope and pray that others will follow their example and give according to their means. The people who lost everything are depending on our help”. 

Mr. and Mrs. Spanos, who live in Stockton, California, are the proud parents of two sons, two daughters and have 15 grandchildren. In addition to being the founder of the nation’s largest family-owned land development and construction companies, Mr. Spanos is also owner of the San Diego Chargers. The family has contributed to numerous philanthropic, cultural, civic, educational, athletic and medical organizations and causes throughout the United States and abroad. 

Orthodox Observer Online