2014 News Archives

Lecture of Archbishop Anastasios for the Three Hierarchs - “In our troubled world, we should advance forward in the spirit of the Fathers”

© photos © Dimitrios Panagos/GOA

NEW YORK – Archbishop Anastasios of Albania delivered a lecture last night, Jan. 30, 2014, during the celebration for the Three Hierarchs and Greek Letters, titled “In Line with the Fathers: The Dynamic Understanding of the Tradition of the Three Hierarchs.” The event, attended by some 350 people, took place at the Metropolitan Club in Manhattan, and was part of a series of events of the Archdiocese for the annual celebration of Greek Letters. His Beatitude, came to New York for the occasion of the Conferral of an honorary doctorate he received Jan. 28, by Fordham University.

In the lecture, Archbishop Anastasios, suggested that “we change our course towards the spirit of the Fathers, aligning our convictions (fronima) with the Fathers,” pointing out that “this does not imply retreat, but progress. It is about faithfulness to the spirit, not application of the letter. It is about true continuity of life, thought and inspiration. The correct motto,” he emphasized, “is not back to the Fathers, but forward with the Fathers, so we can advance – in this troubled world – with the spiritual focus, with the purity of principles, with love and with joy for all people [and] with the decisiveness and courage of the children of God, so that we may perceive our times, and our times in turn may perceive us, as a force for health and hope.”

Metropolitan Savas of Pittsburgh served as Master of Ceremonies and following his welcoming remarks, he introduced Archbishop Anastasios to the audience. Greetings were also extended by Dr. Ioannis Efthymiopoulos, the national director of the Department of Greek Education. Following the lecture, Archbishop Demetrios of America offered closing remarks and some details about his long and brotherly friendship with Anastasios, which goes back almost 68 years. His Eminence said, that many people when talking and writing about Archbishop Anastasios, his ministry and his work, especially over the last 20 years in Albania, do not do him justice.  “It is just a description of achievements,” he said, that does not capture the essence of this phenomenon, and this Archbishop is phenomenal,” he concluded. The evening began with the Archdiocesan Byzantine Choir, chanting the Apolytikion, dismissal hymn of the Three Hierarchs; and concluded with the Doxastikon, the hymn from the vespers of the Three Hierarchs, as a closing prayer.

Hierarchal Divine Liturgy

Earlier in the morning, His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios presided at the Divine Liturgy in the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Manhattan, with Archbishop Demetrios concelebrating together with Metropolitan John of Korytsa, who is accompanying His Beatitude in this trip. Just before the dismissal His Eminence presented Anastasios to the congregation, which consisting mostly of students, parents and educators of the archdiocesan parochial schools.

“We are all students of Christ,” said Archbishop Anastasios, “and I sense the presence and the radiance of your hearts, as I feel I have known you for a long time, through our communion in Christ, and thus I rejoice in your success and in your creative endeavors.” He further urged the students to receive the gifts of God, not to keep them for themselves, but share them. “Give and share with love, be ready to offer without asking for anything in return, share the joy of all Orthodox with all the people of the world, with the Oikoumene.” His Beatitude distributed the antidoron to all the students at the end, and during the luncheon that followed cut the traditional vassilopita. 

For the photo gallery of these events visit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/goarch/albums/72157646610456136

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