IOCC: Join an Action Team

Ready to make a real impact? Join an IOCC Action Team and help IOCC rebuild communities in Kentucky and Florida still recovering from the tornadoes and hurricanes that hit them years ago.

Your chance to serve our neighbors in the US is now! IOCC works with disaster-affected communities, often for years after those events have faded from the headlines, ensuring families have safe and dry homes.

Read more about IOCC Action Teams below.

What’s an Action Team?

Volunteers from across the country join IOCC Action Teams to serve US neighbors in need after disasters. They do all kinds of work to help families, individuals, and communities get back on their feet after events like floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and more.

Action Teams support…

  • Response in the early days after a disaster
  • Recovery in the long term, sometimes years after a disaster

Faith in Action

Action Teams offer hands-on service to people who need help after a devastating event. They…

  • Serve Christ by serving others
  • Help neighbors in need rebuild homes and lives
  • Support disaster response, from cleanup to repairing and rebuilding

Sign up now: Action Teams - International Orthodox Christian Charities (

Photo: IOCC

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