2001 News Archives

Internet School of Orthodox Studies (ISOS) Announces Winter 2001 Adult Religious Education Classes on the Internet Semester Program

The Department of Religious Education of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America announces the Winter 2001 schedule of religious education classes for adults, families and parish educators over the Internet. The theme of the ISOS Winter Semester Class is: The Liturgical Year as Curriculum.

The series of 60-minute educational classes are intended to assist Orthodox Christians to more fully understand the catechetical content of their Orthodox liturgical heritage. The classes will also assist religious educators to integrate liturgical theology within their respective classroom curricula.The Winter Semester classes, which are scheduled to take place on each Tuesday evening (January 23 – April 3, 2001, 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm) on the campus of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology will beprimarily taught by the Rev. Dr. Frank Marangos, Director of theDepartment of Religious Education for the Holy Archdiocese and AdjunctProfessor of Religious Education for Holy Cross School of Theology.

Participants will examine the scriptural, theological and catecheticalaspects of the Liturgical Year in a casual yet systematic fashion.Apart from those who can physically attend, the classes can also beheard by anyone with a computer and Internet access. The classes arebeing made available by the Archdiocese Department of Internet Ministries who will be broadcasting them in real-time through theArchdiocese web server. The ISOS website address is www.isos.goarch.org. The presentation will also be archived so thatstudents can listen to the classes when their schedule permits.

A schedule and class syllabus will be posted on the ISOS Internet WebSite.Certificates of educational recognition will be provided to studentswho participate in the classes and teachers who are engaged in theTeacher Certification Program of the Department of Religious Education.The classes are offered free of charge to all Orthodox faithful in theBoston Diocese. The first class will convene on Tuesday, January 23rdat 7:30 pm.

Participants are asked to please bring their Bibles. Forfurther information, contact the Department of Religious Education at 800-566-1088.

School of Orthodox Studies 2001

Winter Semester

The Liturgical Year as Curriculum

Date / Time: Class will meet Tuesday evenings (7:30 - 8:30 p.m.)

Location: Holy Cross Theological School (50 Goddard Ave., Brookline MA)


Department of Religious Education: (617) 850-1218

Instructor: Rev. Dr. Frank Marangos, Director, Department of Religious Education Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America


January 23: IntroductionA brief introduction to the three major liturgical cycles of Orthodox Worship. Special emphasis will be given to the catechetical emphasis of each cycle.

January 30: The Great Feast Days: Part IAn examination of the catechetical content of the Feasts Days related to the Theotokos.

February 6: The Great Feast Days: Part IIAn examination of the catechetical content of the Feast Days related to Jesus Christ.

February 13: The Feast of the Holy Nativity of ChristAn examination of the catechetical content of the hymns and prayers of the Royal Hours, Vespers and Orthros of the Holy Nativity of Christ.

February 27:The Feast of Holy Epiphany An examination of the catechetical content of the hymns and prayers of the Royal Hours, Vespers and Orthros of the Holy Epiphany.

March 6:The Great Lenten SeasonAn examination of the catechetical content of the hymns and prayers of the Holy Triodion.

March 13:The Great and Holy WeekAn examination of the catechetical content of the hymns and prayers of the liturgical services held during Holy Week.

March 20:The Great Feast of PaschaAn examination of the catechetical content of the hymns and prayers of the Holy Resurrection of Christ.

March 27:The PentecostarionAn examination of the catechetical content of the hymns and prayers of the Pentecostarion.

April 3:The Holy Transfiguration of ChristAn examination of the catechetical content of the hymns and prayers of the Holy Transfifguration.

Text Books

Regan, D. (1994). Experience the Mystery. Collegeville, MIN: The Liturgical Press.

Monk of Orthodox Church (1980). The Year of Grace of the Lord. Crestwood, NY: Saint Vladimirís Seminary Press.

Suggested Reading

  1. Creation and Redemption, Vol. Three in the Collected Works of Georges Florovsky,Nordland Publishing Co., Belmont, MA, 1976.
  2. Monthly Menaia, Service Books of the Byzantine Churches, Sophia Press, Newton Centre, MA, 1985.
  3. Elements of Faith: An Introduction to Orthodox Theology, Christos Yannaras, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1991.
  4. The Face of Christ in the Old Testament, Georges A. Barrois, St. Vladimirís Seminary Press, 1974.
  5. The Festal Menaion, trans. from the original Greek by Mother Mary and Archimandrite Kallistos Ware, Faber and Faber Ltrd., Great Britain, 1984.
  6. Handbook of Christian Feasts and Customs, Francis X. Weiser, Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., New York, 1958.
  7. The Liturgical Year: Its History & Its Meaning After the Reform of the Liturgy, Adolf Adam, trans. by Matthew J. OíConnell, Pueblo Publishing Co., New York, 1981.
  8. The Luminous Eye, Sebastian Brock, Cister Cian Publications, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1992.
  9. The Message of the Bible: An Orthodox Christian Perspective, George Cronk, St. Vladimirís Seminary Press, Crestwood, New York, 1982.
  10. The Winter Pascha, Thomas Hopko, St. Vladimirís Seminary Press, Crestwood,New York, 1984.
  11. The Year of Grace of the Lord: A Scriptural and Liturgical Commentary on the Calendar of the Orthodox Church, by a Monk of the Eastern Church, St. Vladimirís Seminary
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