GREETING By His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America At the Spring Archdiocesan District Council Meeting


By His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America

At the Spring Archdiocesan District Council Meeting

Archdiocesan Headquarters

March 20, 2023


Reverend Chancellor,

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for your service to the Archdiocesan District by serving on this Council and helping the District achieve success in all of its endeavors.

We have come a long way since the Spring of 2020, when the pandemic was threatening the lives of our parishes and parishioners. Thanks be to God, though; we have arrived at near-normality! However, we did lose many sisters and brothers along the way. And many of our communities lost momentum, too. And this latter fact should not be underestimated.

People often ask me: “Your Eminence, why do you travel so much?” And the answer is precisely this issue of momentum. As Archbishop of America, I have a responsibility to the whole country to urge and exhort everyone on the spiritual path that leads heavenward. And here in the Archdiocesan District, all the more so.

Therefore, I deeply appreciate all of your help and support in keeping our parishes on the move. Whether it is youth programs, Camp Saint Paul, Greek culture and language initiatives, we are all called to keep our parishes healthy and active.

Especially in this season of Great Lent, which leads us to Holy Week and our Lord’s Glorious Resurrection, we double-down on the intensity of our spiritual commitments. I especially appreciate the support of the laity for our clergy during these demanding days and weeks.

We meet today to come together in the unity of the Spirit, in order to plan and to look down the road for how best to serve our people – the People of God.

And so, I pray that our meeting will be productive, which I know that it will, as well as rewarding to each and every one of us.

Your service to the Church merits joy, and joy is its own reward.

Thank you and God bless you!

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