GOA Girl Delegates Visit to Archdiocese

GOA Girl Delegates Visit to Archdiocese

On Thursday, June 2, 2022, Archbishop Elidophoros met with the Girl Delegates of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese to congratulate them on the work they have done at the United Nations with the Working Group on Girls. For the 66th Commission on the Status of Women, the Girl Delegates participated in the writing of the Girls’ Statement, which focused on the impact of the climate crisis on girls. You can watch a video of them reading their statement here. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQI0ynRte84]   

Archbishop Elpidophoros commended them for their efforts and expressed thanks for representing the voice of Orthodox youth at the United Nations. He told them in his welcoming remarks: “Our hope is that through this program, we will help empower Orthodox young women like yourselves to achieve leadership roles, both within our church and throughout global organizations, such as the United Nations.” 


Photo: GOA/D. Panagos

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