George Psaros Falls Asleep in the Lord

George Psaros Falls Asleep in the Lord

On Thursday, June 15, 2023, the funeral for Mr. George Psaros, the beloved father of Archon Michael Psaros, was held at All Saints Greek Orthdodox Church in Weirton, WV. The service was a beautiful tribute to a man who lived his life in service of this family, his Orthodox Christian faith, his beloved community at All Saints parish, and all those who needed him. 

His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch sent a letter, which was read by His Eminence Metropolitan Savas of Pittsburgh, stating, “A person’s life can never truly be measured in years but rather in the love and grace that he inspired in others.  George was so very true to his name, cultivating in all of you the goodness of family, of faith, and of fellowship with your wonderful parish of All Saints. When we visited Weirton on our last Apostolic Visit to America, we stood in amazement at the accomplishments of the spiritual children of the Ecumenical Throne in the midst of West Virginia, a truly inspiring vision for how our Holy Orthodox Faith is planted throughout the oikoumene. George, the worker of the earth, gave all of you a foundation of faith and love that has lasted your lifetimes and will passed down to your children’s children.” 

Archbishop Elpidophoros offered the eulogy, and said, “In our Holy Orthodox Church, we call God, ‘Our Father,’ and the Church, ‘Our Mother.’ The revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ was that these relationships are the basis for our purpose, our mission and our eternal destiny. Your earthly father, George, was a man of dignity, simplicity and solidarity with his family and community. He inspired you to live the lives you now lead, and his influence will abide with you throughout the many years to come.” 

May his memory be eternal! 

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