2007 News Archives

Father Robert Stephanopoulos to Retire Upon Completion of 25 Years as Dean of Holy Trinity Cathedral

Father Robert Stephanopoulos will retire this year following completion of 25 years as Dean of the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. In announcing the retirement, His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios said: ”Father Robert has been a faithful servant of the Lord, offering his many and creative priestly services for along period with dedication to God and commitment to the people, responding to spiritual needs within the community and on the Intra-Orthodox, Ecumenical and Interfaith level. The Church is thankful for such a dedicated ministry.”

John Stratakis, Cathedral Board president, said, ”Our respected and beloved pastor will complete a quarter century of service as Dean of the Cathedral, and retire from active service. It is no small accomplishment to have served one community for so many years and Father Robert’s term as dean has been active and eventful. In fitting tribute the Board of Trustees will sponsor a testimonial dinner honoring Father Robert and Presvytera Nikki on Sunday,October 7, at Cipriani Wall Street.” 

The Rev. Robert George Stephanopoulos, PH.D. a priest of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America for 48 years, has been Dean of the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity since1982. Prior to that time he served as pastor of St. Demetrios Church, Fall River, MA; the Church of Our Saviour, Rye, NY and as Dean of Sts. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Cleveland, OH. He has been Adjunct Professor of Eastern Christian Thought at St. John’s University for over 20 years. On May 13th, the University conferred upon him the honorary degree of Doctor of Sacred Theology. In 1993, Father Robert was the recipient of the HOLY TRINITY AWARD, an expression of appreciation by the Cathedral to individuals dedicated to serving others. 

A renowned ecumenist, theologian, lecturer and pastor, Father Robert has developed innovative social outreach programs in the greater Cathedral community. Foremost among them has been the Cathedral Fellowship, a program that has involved hundreds of young professional in the church and community. Also, through his initiative, the Cathedral became a founding member of the Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter. His Thursday evening Bible Study for adults from their 20’s to 70’s is known for its interaction and spirited discussion.

A graduate of Holy Cross School of Theology, Brookline, MA, he studied one year at the University of Athens School of Theology and received a Ph.D. in Ecumenics, Missions and World Religions at Boston University. Long active in interreligious outreach and dialogue, he has served as Ecumenical Officer of the Archdiocese, was the first Orthodox and youngest person ever elected recording secretary of the National Council of Churches. Author of  "Guidelines for Orthodox Christians in Ecumenical Relations”, he is a Founding Member of Orthodox Dialogues with Catholics, Anglicans, Evangelicals and Jews.

Father Robert is married to Nikki Stephanopoulos, Director of News and Information/Public Relations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. They have four children and two granddaughters: Mother Agapia, an Orthodox nun; George, husband of Alexandra and father of Elliot Anastasia and Harper Andrea, is chief Washington correspondent for ABC News and host of This Week, Sunday mornings on ABC TV; Marguarite is Asst. Vice President for Conferences and Events for Deutsche Bank in New York City and Andrew is a psychotherapist and Director of Client Care for Moonview Sanctuary, Santa Monica, CA.

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