The Clergy Family Initiative

The Clergy Family Initiative Endowment Fund Brochure

Giving to the Clergy Family Initiative Endowment Fund is an opportunity to express our thankfulness to our Clergy who have dedicated their lives in service to God and His Church. This is a very special way, especially for our PK's - Priest Kids - to honor their parents by ensuring that future Priests and their families will be spared from severe financial hardship.

For most people, the greatest financial gift we are able to give is what we leave behind when we fall asleep in the Lord. Through a charitable gift, you can have a significant positive effect on our Clergy, the Clergy families, and our Church, as well as those people whose lives are changed because of them. The impact of your gift will be felt for years and generations to come.


Download the Brochure (PDF) »


The Clergy Family Initiative, a ministry of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Benefits Office, is pleased to announce the launch of the first-ever Parish Council Nominee Training Video Series.

These programs, made possible through a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment, will be used by Parish leadership as part of the mandatory Parish Council Nominee Training -- as mandated by the regulations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

The goal of the series is to have each Parish Council Nominee better understand the challenges that our Clergy face and how they, the Council Members, have a direct role in assisting the Priest in his ministry to the flock entrusted to him.


We invite you all to view the Clergy Family Initiative video of your particular Metropolis.

View the Training Videos »

We encourage the beloved Clergy of our Archdiocese to apply for the Clergy Family Initiative Financial Literacy and Grant Program.

Apply »

It is our heartfelt prayer that, as Parish Lay Leaders, you will learn more about the ministry of your Priest, and his personal challenges, and the need to grow as co-workers in sharing the Ministry of Christ.


It has been shown that this program benefits the financial health and well-being of the priest and his family, and by extension, their parishes and parishioners."

His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America


The Clergy Family Initiative Objectives

Our program is multipronged and designed to accomplish six objectives:

  1. To educate our Laity on the unique challenges our Clergy and their families face and how those challenges can impact their ministry.
  2. To educate our Clergy on recent data from within our own Archdiocese on the personal, educational, and financial challenges our Clergy face.
  3. To provide research for Clergy, Presvyteres, and other Church Staff.
  4. To discuss the importance of managing personal and Parish finances, leading to an understanding of how efficient management both leads to healthier and more vibrant Parishes.
  5. To review our Ministerial Excellence Fund and the grant process associated with our Lilly Endowment Grant.
  6. To establish a community of Clergy support throughout the Archdiocese and its philanthropic ministries.