Archbishop Elpidophoros Welcomes Christmas Carolers from Greek American Parochial Schools to the Archdiocese


Today, December 12, 2023, students from the New York area Greek American parochial schools visited the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese headquarters, bringing along their Christmas spirit. The joyous singing of Christmas Carols and the opportunity to spend special time with His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America and the staff of the Archdiocese created a memorable experience for the students, their teachers, and parents. Such events not only contribute to the festive spirit of the holiday season but also strengthen the sense of community and connection among the students and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. 

The schools participating were the Cathedral School of Holy Trinity in Manhattan (Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity), A. Fantis Parochial School in Brooklyn (Saints Constantine & Helen Cathedral, St. Demetrios Day School in Astoria (St. Demetrios Cathedral), D. & G. Kaloidis Parochial School in Brooklyn (Holy Cross Church) and the Greek American Institute in the Bronx (Zoodohos Peghe Church). At the end of their musical presentation, His Eminence distributed gifts to all of the cheerful students.

Photos: GOARCH/Brittainy Newman

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