Archbishop Elpidophoros Celebrates Greek Independence Day in Stamford, CT

Annunciation/Greek Independence Day – March 25, 2024

Stamford, CT


The greater Stamford community of Greek Orthodox Christians from the two Churches of Annunciation & Archangels were honored and blessed in an unprecedented way this year for the twin celebration of Annunciation and Greek Independence: His Eminence, Archbishop Elpidophoros led the Feast Day Worship and attended the Flag Raising Ceremony!

Accompanied by Fr. Elias Villis, District Chancellor, Archdeacon Dionysios and Deacon Ieremias, His Eminence first presided over Orthros, Hierarchical Liturgy, Artoklasia and the Doxology commemorating both events at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church for their Patronal Feast Day as well as the Nameday of Fr. Evan Evangelides, their presiding priest. A large crowd attended, including dozens of children of various ages in traditional Greek costumes waving Greek flags during the Doxology. Some commented afterward how inspiring the entire worship was.

Then we gathered at Government Center for the annual Flag Raising. Mrs. Vasso Spanos, Greek School Committee member at Archangels, was Master of Ceremonies for a program that included an Invocation by His Eminence; Vasso’s opening reflections; comments and Proclamations by the Honorable Caroline Simmons, Mayor of Stamford, and the Honorable James Himes, U.S. Representative of the 4th Congressional District of Connecticut; honoring Dr. George Melikokis for a lifetime of creative service to advance Greek Education in the Archdiocese; a delightful Greek song offered by nearly 30 children in costumes; and concluding remarks by His Eminence before everyone went outside to sing the Greek National Anthem while a group of children raised the Greek Flag. A light Reception concluded the festivities.

In addition to his very earnest welcome of Mayor Simmons, Congressman Himes, and Dr. Melikokis, His Eminence displayed characteristic joy and warmth throughout the day to everyone, particularly so many children whom he delighted to be near, with scores of photographs taken at Annunciation Church along with Government Center.

Without question, this Great Feast and Independence Day Celebration will be remembered by everyone who participated for the exceptional privilege and deep pleasure to be in the presence of His Eminence, Archbishop Elpidophoros, along with so many who came to worship Jesus Christ, honor the Theotokos, and rejoice in the freedom of modern Greece as an expression of our desire for the whole world to live in self-determination!


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