1999 News Archives

Archbishop Demetrios Warmly Received By President Clinton at White House Prayer Breakfast

New York, NY - His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, was warmly received by President and Mrs. William J. Clinton at a White House Prayer Breakfast on Tuesday, September 28th, attended by some one hundred religious leaders from throughout the United States.

His Eminence, who was seated next to President Clinton during the breakfast held in the State Department Dining Room, appreciated the opportunity to speak to the President about some issues of particular interest to the Greek Orthodox community. He also thanked the President and Mrs. Clinton for the First Lady's participation in his Enthronement Ceremonies on September 18th in New York City.

"Hate Crimes and Gun Violence" were the themes of the breakfast discussed by a broad spectrum of participants including not only religious leaders of all faiths, but also individuals who have been victimized in violent incidents throughout the country in the last year.

Orthodox Observer Online