2001 News Archives

Archbishop Demetrios Invited to Offer Bampton Lecture at Columbia University

New York, NY- His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, has been invited to give the 33rd Bampton Lecture in America at Columbia University on March 8th at 6:00 p.m. in the Low Memorial Library. The lecture will be entitled: Saint John Chrysostom: Anthropological Insights For Our Times.

The Bampton Lectures in America, modeled after the Bampton Lectures of Oxford University, founded by John Bampton,Canon of Salisbury, were established by the bequest of the will of Ada Byron Bampton Tremaine of Rockport,Maine. The first lecture in the series was by the noted historian Arnold J. Toynbee in 1948.

Archbishop Demetrios, a graduate of the University of Athens School of Theology, received a Ph.D from Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. For ten years he was Distinguished Professor of Biblical Studies and Christian Origins at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, MA and was a Visiting Professor of New Testament at Harvard Divinity School.

He is the author of many scholarly publications including: The Pre-existence of Christ in the Writings of Justin Martyr (1976); Authority and Passion: Christological Aspects of the Gospel According to Mark (1987) and The Transcendent God of Eugnostos (1991).

Orthodox Observer Online