2001 News Archives

Address of His Eminence Archbishop Demetios of America to the President of the United States

WASHINGTON, DC - March 23, 2001

Mr. President, On behalf of the Greek Orthodox Community of America, which I have the great honor to represent and also on behalf of the Greek people everywhere, I should like to express to you our deep gratitude for honoring us today with this special proclamation on the solemn occasion of Greek Independence Day. With this proclamation which you so graciously signed and personally offered to us, you honor the country and the people of Greece for their superb and sacrificial contribution to the ideals of democracy, freedom, justice, human rights and human dignity throughout three continuous millennia.We are immensely thankful for the honor, coming from a highly esteemed president and leader of America, the country, which is the champion, and the staunch defender of the above mentioned ideals in the contemporary world.As we started marching in the 21st Century and the new millennium, we look expectantly to you Mr. President, for a creative and dynamic continuation of an effective leadership in the areas of human freedom, human rights and human dignity wherever and whenever these supreme values are being threatened or violated.We are particularly concerned about issues of freedom, peace, justice and friendship in sensitive areas like the Balkans, Cyprus and the Middle East.We are, however, not limiting ourselves to noble expectations and high hopes. On this day of celebration of Greek Independence, we pray; and we pray fervently to God, the Almighty creator and protector of life and freedom for all of His sons and daughters, the inhabitants of His planet Earth.We humbly but persistently ask Him to grant you abundant health and strength so that you will lead this blessed country of ours to a relentless and uncompromising effort and fight for whatever enhances freedom, quality of life, peace and justice for both individuals and nations.We are convinced about the outcome of our prayers, because we know that we are addressing the God of peace, the Lord of justice and the creator of freedom. Thank you again, Mr. President.

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