Below, you will find a comprehensive listing of the latest news, articles, video, and other content on the official website of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

OCN Seeks Internship Applicants

Orthodox Christian Network (OCN) is offering a Summer Internship Program to high school graduates, undergraduates, and college graduates in fields related to Media Ministry and Communications. The OCN Internship program is unique in that we are seeking students in their own local communities to gain experiences in the field.

2017 OCN Internship Program

For more information visit:

The program requires a part-time commitment from the end of May through beginning of September, personal laptop, and smartphone, the ability to travel and work remotely both independently and collaboratively. These will be unpaid internships for those seeking community service hours or college credit.

Internship positions are as follows: Media and Community Relations, Fundraising and Regional Field Journalists.

How To Apply: Submit a cover letter and resume to (insert name, title, and email address) with the subject line “OCN Internship Application” to [email protected] We will review applicants on a rolling basis until the positions are filled.

OCN is an official agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops.
