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Internet Ministries Offers Parishes Premium Service for Online Maintenance

For over 20 years, the Department of Internet Ministries has been providing Orthodox Parishes with both free and paid tools as well resources for spreading the Word of the Gospel to the faithful across the globe.

The Department has announced a new, vital service to assist parishes. Online Maintenance Solutions (OMS) is a premium service for Parishes and Orthodox organizations who need assistance in cultivating and tending to their online presence in a timely and professional manner.

In an age where it seems there is a never-ending stream of new online technologies at our fingertips that can be used for digital ministry, it can be daunting to try to keep up with all of it.

Some parishes are blessed with a paid staff member or a team of volunteers with the necessary skills to stay ahead of the curve, but the majority of parishes fall behind or are only able to handle the bare minimum of updates. This is where the Department Ministries can help.

Through the Online Maintenance Solutions service, staff of the Department of Internet Ministries will be on retainer for a set number of hours per month to assist you in directly maintaining and building up your web presence. The services provided include, but are not limited to, website and social media updates, newsletter and email campaign creation, statistics and reports, as well as consultation on best practices and strategies for online engagement.

Three different plans are offered ranging from $85 to $420 per month. In addition, custom web development and event campaigns are offered to meet more particular needs of your parish. For more information or to get started, contact the Department of Internet Ministries of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America today at 646.519.6690 or internet@goarch. org. You may also learn more online at
