• Known to God


    September 9, 2024

    The Saints I am thinking about and admiring more and more these days are the hidden ones, especially the women throughout the ages who lived simple, faithful lives without seeking any recognition. Those who through their prayerful lives and sights set on The Lord, imbued the “mundane” tasks set before them with acceptance and gratitude.

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  • SUTS Walking with God: Week Two


    May 13, 2023

    This week on Soak Up the Son we learn about how the Lord is our shepherd and the significance of the rod and staff! Join us as we walk with God!

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  • SUTS Walking with God: Week Three


    May 12, 2023

    What does a joyful shout sound like to you? Is it a whoop! or a yay! or a loud laugh? This week on Soak Up the Son we talk about Psalm 88 and how we are called to walk in the light of the Lord's face with joyful noise.

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  • Soak Up the Son - Go Forth: Week 2

    (2019 - ) Archbishop Elpidophoros

    May 9, 2023

    It's time to Soak Up the Son! This week we learn all about St. Macrina the Elder and her legacy of saints.

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  • SUTS Walking with God: Week Six

    Center for Family Care

    July 18, 2022

    In our last Soak Up the Son for this summer, we learn about the Prophet Habakkuk and how we can find sure-footedness (like deer) in tough times through our trust in God! Read More

  • SUTS Walking with God: Week Four


    May 16, 2022

    This week we learn about the Israelites and the Ten Commandments and how they trusted that God was guiding them to a better life after their exodus from Egypt even when it was inconvenient, they were tired, or it didn’t make sense to them at the time.

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  • SUTS Walking with God: Week Five


    May 12, 2022

    What happens when we disobey and know we have done something wrong? Join us this week as we learn what to do and what not to do after we make a mistake using Adam and Eve as an example!

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  • The Old Testament: A Parental Teaching Tool Webinar

    Center for Family Care

    November 1, 2021

    Can the Old Testament be used as a parental teaching tool? Yes! In this webinar we learn how the Old Testament can become a resource for spiritual growth and a tool to be used to nurture faith in the home. Read More

  • Bible Study for Sunday of the Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council

    Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries (Y2AM)

    October 14, 2021

    Join Fr Panagiotis Boznos, Fr Nick Lionas, and Steve Christoforou for their weekly Orthodox Christian Bible Study, 3 Men and a Bible. Read More

  • Go Forth


    June 14, 2021

    IT’S SUMMER! A wonderful time for family, friends, relaxing, and playing. A time for vacations—vacations from work and vacations from school. But there is one type of vacation we shouldn’t be taking this summer—and that is from Church. Church should be the center of our lives throughout the year and summer is no exception. Join us this summer as we #soakuptheSON.

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  • Soak Up the Son - Go Forth: Week 1


    May 10, 2021

    It's time once again to Soak Up the Son! Join us this summer as we focus on our calling to "Go Forth" as apostles in the world. This isn’t an invitation for a select few; we are all called to share the light of Christ and this summer we will explore how we can do that.

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  • Why Those Who Mourn Are Blessed

    Center for Family Care

    October 12, 2020

    This beatitude always perplexed me. If you’re sad about something you would expect to be comforted but why are those who mourn blessed? Read More

  • Soak Up the Son - Week 5: Sun, Moon, & Stars


    July 13, 2020

    It's time to Soak up the Son! This week we learn how God formed the sun, moon, and stars.

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  • Soak Up the Son - Week 1: Angels


    June 15, 2020

    It's time to Soak Up the Son! Welcome to the first week of our summer series. This week we talk about God's first created beings...angels!

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  • Preface to "For the Life of the World" - Social Ethos Document

    Department of Inter­-Orthodox Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations

    March 1, 2020

    The task of producing a single statement of the social doctrine of the Orthodox Church is of its nature a complicated, not to say contentious, undertaking. The Orthodox Church operates within a vast variety of cultural and historical contexts, each with its own social and political concerns and traditions. The Church regards its social teaching as nothing other than a faithful transcription of the moral teachings of the gospel into the language of public ethics and policy, and insists that every Orthodox Christian is called to live in the world as a faithful disciple of Christ, called to fellowship with the whole communion of saints. Read More

  • Should Iron Age Texts Be still Read in a Digital Age: The Hebrew Bible and the Force of Metaphor

    Old Testament

    December 11, 2019

    Please allow me to bring forth a few examples of what I call 'the power of metaphor of the Hebrew Bible'. And I will do this with deep respect to this literary-religious corpus that has never lost its 'best-seller' status, while looking at these ever ancient, ever new biblical texts with the eye of a student of Bible and Semitic philology. Read More

  • Introducing Our Children to the Bible

    Center for Family Care

    November 2, 2018

    A webinar about how to introduce your children to the Bible. Read More

  • Reflections on John 20:21

    Orthodox Observer

    September 1, 2016

    Are you a good and faithful servant? As Orthodox Christians, we have been given a sacred trust. We have received the treasure of the Gospel – the Good News of Jesus Christ. With this sacred trust comes the great responsibility to share it. Read More

  • Family Gospel Lessons

    Center for Family Care

    February 1, 2016

    Family Gospel lessons from the Center for Family Care. Read More

  • Holy Week Meditation and Study Guide

    Biblical Studies

    August 17, 2015

    The services of Holy Week transform us into eyewitnesses and direct participants in the awesome events of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In readings taken from both Old and New Testaments, in hymns, processions, and liturgical commemoration, we see the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecies, and the mighty acts by which God Himself, in the person of Jesus Christ, grants us forgiveness for our sins, and rescues us from the pain of eternal death. Read More

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