St. John the Forerunner’s Community Outreach – More Than Food

Every month for over a decade, St. John the Forerunner in Boardman, OH has been hosting a meal for, on average, 50 to 70 people. Led by the Philoptochos society, the parish prepares and serves the meal while also donating clothing and canned goods as well. Until the pandemic arrived in March 2020, the monthly meal meant parishioners also time spent talking and interacting with those in need. The program was forced on hiatus for six months due to the pandemic out of concern for the safety of the participants and fear of spreading the Coronavirus.

“Many of us are comfortable and for want of nothing,” said George Denney, immediate past president of the parish council. “We can learn much from the people who come through our doors. They are lonely, experiencing hardship and may not have a home. But their smiles come not only from the food but the connection made between people.” The ministry resumed in November 2020 as a takeaway meal. But the question on everyone’s mind was ‘when can we resume coming into the hall, sitting down and enjoying our meal – and the company,’ according to Denney.

The outreach to inspire and motivate parishioners. After the first takeaway meal had enough leftovers to serve about 150 people at a Youngstown-area soup kitchen, a parishioner was moved to donate 10 turkeys, cases of mashed potatoes, vegetables and pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving time. All as a result of a community meal offered out of love for the least among us. One more benefit from the meal: The number of dinners served at St. John doubled from November to December. “The diners said to us, ‘We can’t wait until we can come in for a meal again. We miss our friends.”