Be the Bee #155 | How Should Orthodox Christians Preach the Gospel?

Orthodox Christianity is perhaps the best-kept secret in America. Why? And how can we help share the Good News?

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Flood Relief Coming to Romania From IOCC

Bucharest (IOCC) - International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) is responding to the urgent needs of Romanians devastated by severe flooding in late August.

The floods, caused by rainstorms on August 27-29, killed at least six people and damaged hundreds of homes in eastern and southern Romania. IOCC, the humanitarian aid agency of Orthodox Christians, is responding by providing food parcels and building supplies to residents of Bacau and Vaslui counties who sustained substantial property losses.

The storms struck several of the poorest counties in Romania, including Bacau and Vaslui, damaging more than 2,300 houses in 69 communities and destroying 91 bridges. IOCC, supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development, will coordinate its efforts with local governments and the Romanian Orthodox Church.

People hardest hit by the flooding will receive drinking water, food parcels, sleeping bags, emergency shelter and other forms of humanitarian assistance.

This is the third time that IOCC has provided flood relief in Romania. During spring flooding in 2000 and 2001, IOCC initiated food aid programs in flood-stricken portions of Romania, providing assistance to an estimated 20,000 people.

Donations in support of IOCC’s emergency relief and development efforts in Romania may be sent to IOCC, P.O. Box 630225, Baltimore, MD 21263-0225. Donations may also be made online at or by calling toll-free 1-877-803-IOCC (4622).

Founded in 1992, IOCC is the official humanitarian aid agency of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA). To learn more about its programs in Romania and 15 other countries, please visit


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