Annual Priests, Presidents, Treasurers Meeting—Feb 17

The St. Spyridon parish community of Monessen, PA will host this annual gathering of parish leaders from all over the Metropolis.  Organized by the Metropolis Finance Committee, the meeting has provided an opportunity for continuing education in key topics affecting parishes and their financial operations, including recent sessions on endowments and trusts, clergy benefits, and the Archdiocesan allocation program.

This year’s featured speaker is Archon Louis Kircos of Detroit, MI, who is the Chairman of the Archdiocesan Finance Committee.  Lou has been a member of the committee for many years while serving his Metropolis with distinction in multiple areas.  His background is in finance (he was a CPA for a multi-national firm).

Archon Kircos will be discussing the recent news about the Archdiocesan finances, the steps that have been taken to rectify the situation, and the steps that will be taken in the coming months and years.

The day will begin with Liturgy (2nd Saturday of Souls) at 9:30am.  The meeting will commence at 11:00am and will conclude no later than 4:00pm.  Lunch is included.

Contact the Metropolis for more information.