Theme for 2021 Saint Photios National Shrine Essay Contest

Theme for 2021 Saint Photios National Shrine Essay Contest

The St. Photios National Shrine is proud to announce the theme for its 2021 (English Language) Annual Essay contest, reflecting on the welcoming of immigrants to this nation.  The St. Photios National Shrine commemorates the first Hellenic settlers to arrive in the New World, as well as celebrating the many immigrants to the United States and their experience in this nation.   

Many of those immigrants came to America through Ellis Island in New York City and would have viewed the Statue of Liberty upon entering New York Harbor. There, at the pedestal of Lady Liberty, is memorialized a plaque with the poem “The New Colossus,” by Emma Lazarus, with the most famous line reading, “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” 

In their essay, participants are invited to discuss why these words are or are not still relevant to our nation.

Essays are due no later than December 16, 2021.

More information is available at

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