Remarks of Archbishop Elpidophoros of America At the Doxology for the Bicentennial of the Greek Revolution In the Presence of the Presidential Guard

GOARCH / Dimitrios S. Panagos


By His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America 

At the Doxology for the Bicentennial of the Greek Revolution 

In the Presence of the Presidential Guard 

Archdiocesan Chapel of Saint Paul 

New York, New York 

June 3, 2022 


Distinguished Officers and Soldiers of the Presidential Guard, 

Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, 

Fellow Patriots,  

We have the great honor this morning of receiving the Presidential Guard – the elite guard of the Hellenic Republic – who symbolize the glory of Greece the whole world over. 

They have come to America in order to celebrate with us the Annual Greek Independence Day Parade, which will take place this coming Sunday and will pass in front of our Sacred Archdiocese. 

The participation of the Evzones is greatly anticipated by the tens of thousands of faithful who will converge on Fifth Avenue to behold the glory of Greece pass by with the martial dignity, discipline and, indeed, grace that these sons of Hellas bring to our observances and festivities. 

We thank Her Excellency Katerina Sakellaropoulou, President of the Hellenic Republic, for their presence. And we thank them for their stalwart attendance here today with us at our Doxology. 

Although March 25th is now well behind us chronologically speaking, from the perspective of the Church – which is the perspective of Καιρός, at every moment and in every occasion, or as we say in Greek, ἐν παντὶ καιρῷ, καὶ πάσῃ ὥρᾳ – it is always opportune to give thanks unto God for all His gifts. 

The gift of the liberation of Greece, hard fought, with much bloodshed and sacrifices abounding, is a gift for which we worthily give thanks in this Doxology. 

March 25th is not a single day; it is the day that marks the Incarnation of God in the midst of our fallen world, and the beginning of the journey of the Theanthropos to Resurrection. 

In like manner, our observance of Greek Independence Day is the chapter of our freedom that is best expressed today by our democratic ideals and values. And these same ideals have been defended with courage and heroism by generations of our beloved Evzones. 

As ever, they will commence the day of the parade by attending the Divine Liturgy at our Archdiocesan Cathedral, standing with us in solidarity and prayer as we mark once again our freedom in Christ and the freedom of Greece. 

We welcome you to New York once again, noble sons of Greece! And we thank you for your service and your mission! 

Ζήτω ἡ Ἑλλάς! Ζήτω τὸ Ἑλληνικὸ Ἔθνος! 

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