Leadership 100 Featured in Centennial Video

Leadership 100 Featured in Centennial Video

New York, NY--Leadership 100’s Founding Members--Arthur C. Anton, Sr., Andrew A. Athens, George K. Chimples, Peter M. Dion, Michael Jaharis, Thomas A. Athens, and George P. Kokalis-- have been described as "the best examples of leaders, who always and everywhere rejoiced in hope." Arthur C. Anton was known as a shining example of what could be achieved; Andrew A. Athens, an apostle of Hellenism around the world; George K. Chimples, ever inspired the organization to greater heights; Peter M. Dion, offered indelible wisdom in its affairs; and Michael Jaharis' generosity of spirit had no match.

Their inaugural meeting was held in Denver, CO in 1984 and managed to go beyond the initial, very optimistic, goal of 10 members to 18. In a 2014 interview, Peter Dion explained that "Archbishop Iakovos did not believe we could get 10 Greeks to contribute $100,000 each. But we insisted and we won by one vote (in deciding to form the Leadership). That evening in Denver my wife and my daughters became members. And of course, so did the rest of the founders. To make a long story short, when we left Denver we had 18 members! And they all paid the full amount of $100,000! And for some time we had to pay for operating expenses from our pockets"

The seeds these founding members sowed have blossomed into the beautiful organization that we know today. Learn more about its story of hope, inspirational mission, and extraordinary accomplishments.

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