Archbishop Elpidophoros of America Remarks at the Hellenic Medical Society Annual Scholarship Gala Honoring Dr. Ourania Preventza, Dr. Marinos Petratos & George Tsougarakis, Esq.


His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America

Hellenic Medical Society Annual Scholarship Gala Honoring

Dr. Ourania Preventza, Dr. Marinos Petratos & George Tsougarakis, Esq.


New York, New York

December 9, 2023


Dr. Antonios Gasparis, President of the Hellenic Medical Society, and its many distinguished Members,

Honorable members of the Diplomatic Corps,

Dear and esteemed Honorees,

Gala Co-Chairs, Dr. Aspasia Draga and Dr. Stella Douros,

Scholarship Committee Chair, Dr. Eleni Gouzoulis-Koutsos,

Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,


I am truly delighted to be with all of you here this evening, to celebrate the accomplishments of three very dedicated individuals:

Dr. Ourania Preventza, as Physician of the Year;

Dr. Marinos Petratos, with the Lifetime Colleague Award; and

George Tsougarakis, with the Hellene of the Year Award.

Tonight’s festivities not only lionize these three worthy laureates, but enhance the work of the Hellenic Medical Society to promote its values and the upcoming generation by providing scholarships – καὶ διδάξειν τὴν τέχνην ταύτην – “and to teach this art,” as the Hippocratic Oath states.

The Hellenic Medical Society surely takes pride in this oath, which stretches back across millennia to the magnificent healer Hippocrates of Kos, the Asclepiad, who lived and thrived four centuries before the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Thus, he was called by Plato himself, and was regarded by Aristotle as well, and even the disciples of Pythagoras. From this Dodecanese island off the coastline of Asia Minor, this deeply religious healer revolutionized medicine for the world, by looking to the natural, rather than supernatural, causes. Such scientific philosophy seems commonplace today, but not so, twenty-five-hundred years ago.

As Hellenes, our hearts and minds are enriched by this marvelous history, which magnifies the healing arts to one of the highest endeavors of the human being. We gather tonight to honor two physicians for their contributions to the field so perfectly prepared by our spiritual and, indeed, cultural ancestor, the great Hippocrates:

Dr. Ourania Preventza, who hails from Athens, is an internationally known expert in aortic surgery, and has been named “Physician of the Year.”

Dr. Marinos Petratos is a renowned dermatologist, who is also an Archon Aktouarios of the Ecumenical Throne. He has worthily received the Lifetime Colleague Award.

They are both exemplary members of the community and have made substantive contributions to the life of the Omogeneia, in addition to their stellar careers in medicine.

As healers, they exemplify that most basic principle of Hippocrates:

ἐς οἰκίας δὲ ὁκόσας ἂν ἐσίω, ἐσελεύσομαι ἐπ᾽ ὠφελείῃ καμνόντων….

Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick….

ἁγνῶς δὲ καὶ ὁσίως διατηρήσω βίον τὸν ἐμὸν καὶ τέχνην τὴν ἐμήν.

And I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art.

I extend to both Dr. Preventza and Dr. Petratos my heartfelt congratulations and blessings on their achievements and their recognition tonight by the Society.

But there is yet another honoree to be mentioned, and one who is very dear to me, Archon Dikaiophylax George Tsougarakis. George may not be a Doctor of Medicine, but he is a healer nonetheless; for he brings to his work the temperament and judgment of the finest physician.

George has been serving as General Counsel of the Archdiocese since my arrival over four years ago. His wisdom, strategic perspective, advice and experience have proven invaluable to me and to our Church. He has also been an inestimable ally to our Ecumenical Patriarchate, providing counsel and proficiency for concerns of the Mother Church, both here and abroad.

Beyond his extensive and legendary legal expertise, George is a devout Greek Orthodox and a proud Hellene. He fulfills a remarkable role within the Omogeneia, wearing diverse hats at different times, but always with integrity, purpose and humanity. He exemplifies what is best in our people in every aspect of his life. The Hellenic Medical Society has chosen well, and you honor yourselves as much as you honor George.

To all the evening’s Honorees I say: Ἄξιοι καὶ Ἄξιότατοι!

You are all most worthy, as is the Hellenic Medical Society, which continues to provide for the up-and-coming professionals within your ranks. Your scholarships reveal your commitment to the Hippocratic ideals of shared knowledge and vision.

I know that you will always live up to these ideals, founded as they are in our shared legacy and inheritance.

May God’s blessings abound in your lives, and may you enjoy a blessed and happy Christmas season, and a healthy and prosperous New Year.

Thank you.


Photos: Caroline Fiss

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