Greeting By Archbishop Elpidophoros of America At the Archdiocesan Christmas Open House


By His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America

At the Archdiocesan Christmas Open House

Archdiocesan Headquarters

New York, New York

December 19, 2023


My dear friends,

Welcome to your Archdiocese this evening for our annual Christmas Open House. I am delighted that so many of you have come to join your brothers and sisters who labor in this beloved institution, and to share in the festive season that communicates God’s love for all people.

Here at East Seventy-Ninth Street, we strive to serve our Nation – coast to coast – which is a huge undertaking. For we are a Church that has many layers and needs, but we always find the time to give consideration even to the smallest.

I suppose that is what this Christmas Season represents in some ways – because in a tiny corner of the world, the God Who created the universe was born for our salvation. I wonder if on the road to the City of David if any of those who beheld Mary and Joseph, and, by tradition, Saint Iakovos leading their donkey, had any idea of what they were looking at.

God comes in small ways, often imperceptible to human understanding, in order to transform our lives.

That is what we are about here at the Headquarters of our National Church. Every day, your fellow parishioners – your sisters and brothers in Christ – come to these offices, and give their very best to make our transformation in Christ a reality. Sometimes, our efforts may seem small, much like the Infant of Bethlehem lying in the manger. But I assure you, they are in accord with the Holy Gospel, and with the spiritual destiny of our Faith, which manifested on the Day of Pentecost.

Therefore, allow me to thank each and every one of our Archdiocesan workers for their service in the Vineyard of the Lord, and allow me to thank all of you who ventured here today. For it is your love, your support, and your faith that inspires us to be of service to you every day.

In welcoming all of you to the Archdiocese, I recognize the importance and value of every member of our Sacred Eparchy of the Ecumenical Throne. We are in this together, as the One Body of Christ.

May God grant unto you, and to your families, to arrive in safety and peace at the Glorious Nativity of our Lord, and enjoy a Healthy and Happy New Year of 2024.

Καλά Χριστούγεννα!

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