Family Care: Preparing Your Family for Great Lent

Family Care: Preparing Your Family for Great Lent

This webinar features Fr. Evan Armatas and Elissa Bjeletich and originally aired on March 1, 2015.Great Lent is the Church’s 40-day period of preparation for its greatest feast—the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is the annual period that calls us back to God—a time of reflection and repentance. While no two families ready themselves during Great Lent exactly alike, there are time-tested spiritual disciplines the Church prescribes in order to direct our senses to God’s presence. In “Preparing Your Family for Great Lent,” Fr. Evan Armatas, Elissa Bjeletich talk with Melissa Tsongranis in an engaging discussion that offers parents practical ways to make Great Lent a transformative family experience. May your Lenten journey be blessed—one arriving at a glorious Pascha!

To see discussion points and Lenten prayers, see the full page at:

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