Archbishop Elpidophoros Visits Holy Trinity and Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Staten Island for the Fifth Sunday of Lent

Today, April 21, 2024, the Fifth Sunday of Lent, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America was welcomed to the parish of Holy Trinity and Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Staten Island, New York. Archbishop Elpidophoros was greeted by Rev. Protopresbyter Nicholas Petropoulakos, members of the community including children of the parish. In his Homily, His Eminence said, "I am delighted to be with you, here in this wonderful community of Staten Island, as we prepare for the final week prior to Holy Week. Today, we celebrate one of the greatest Saints of the Church, Mary of Egypt, whose life was completely changed by her experience of Jerusalem, and the power of the Holy Cross in the Church of the Anastasis. We, too, are called to be changed by the same power of the Cross that we will witness not many days from now, and by the glory of the Lord’s Resurrection.

"As we ready ourselves for the mysteries of Holy Week, the Church invites us to enter into the mindset – and the timeframe – of this narrative of redemption. We are called to become part of the story, as the days proceed through the coming week that is commonly called Κουφή Ἑβδομάδα, or, the 'Empty Week.' But it is not empty at all! This week of the Fast gets its name from the fact that it is the only week that does not contain the Salutations to the Holy Virgin. Such is the impact of the Akathist Hymn! But in truth, the week, is the beginning of the story of our salvation."

Photos:GOARCH/Dimitrios Panagos

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