Archbishop Elpidophoros Invocation and Remarks Reception in Honor of Foreign Minister Giorgos Gerapetritis

His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America

Invocation and Remarks

Reception in Honor of Foreign Minister Giorgos Gerapetritis

September 18, 2023

The Harvard Club

New York, New York


Foreign Minister Gerapetritis,

Dear Friends,


I know that I speak for everyone in this room, when I say that we are all so very pleased to have this opportunity to share this time with Your Excellency, especially in these very busy days leading to the United Nations General Assembly.

The Omogeneia stands with your government and its service to the Most Excellent People of the Hellenic Republic.

We appreciate and recognize your constant advocacy for the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

In return, please accept our intercessory supplications on behalf of the People of Greece, especially as they have suffered the raging fires of this past Summer.


Let us pray to the Lord.

Kyrie Eleison.

We give thanks to You, O Christ our God, that You have gathered us in fellowship, and we beseech Your rich and abundant blessings upon the noble Government of Greece and her extraordinary People.

We ask Your special blessings and solace for those who have suffered, lost their homes, and lost their lives during the fires of this past Season.

Grant unto them, O God, peace of mind and fortitude to rebuild their lives, and to those who perished, grant them eternal rest in the Mansions of the Righteous, from where all pain, sorrow, and mourning have all fled away.

Grant unto us generous and open hearts, so that with love and compassion we may always give glory to You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Photos: Brittainy Newman

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