Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee

“Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” (Luke 18:14).


Triodion Blocks

Triodion: Period of Preparation Before Great Lent

The four weeks which precede Great Lent are considered preparatory, a forerunner to Lent. These four weeks, along with the eight weeks of Lent, are characterized by the Church as Triodion, meaning "thrice-hymns". (Rev. George Mastrantonis)

Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee - First Sunday
Sunday of the prodigal Son - Second Sunday
Sunday of the Last Judgement (Meatfare) - Third Sunday
Sunday of Forgiveness (Cheesefare) - Fourth Sunday



Great Lent Blocks

Great Lent

Great Lent is a time for self-examination and self-denial – a time for taking control of our lives and our bodies. The purpose of the fast is to give us a greater awareness of our dependence on God. It is a time to improve ourselves and our relationship with God. Lent is a time for greater works of mercy and charity for those less fortunate than us. It is a time for visitation of the sick and assistance to the poor, and generally a more joyful relationship with those who are close to us – our family and friends. (From the "Our Lenten Journey" brochure, Dept. of Stewardship, Outreach, and Evangelism)

Sunday of Orthodoxy
Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas
Sunday of the Holy Cross
Sunday of Saint John Climacus
Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt
Akathist Hymn
Saturday of Lazarus
Palm Sunday



Holy Week Block

Holy Week

"The services of Holy Week transform us into eyewitnesses and direct participants in the awesome events of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In readings taken from both Old and New Testaments, in hymns, processions, and liturgical commemoration, we see the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecies, and the mighty acts by which God Himself, in the person of Jesus Christ, grants us forgiveness for our sins, and rescues us from the pain of eternal death." - Rev. Fr. Andrew Demotses

Services of The Bridegroom
Holy Unction
Holy Thursday
Holy Friday
Holy Saturday



Pascha Block

Great and Holy Pascha

The 50 days which follow Easter are signified by the Pentecostarion. They are dedicated to the spiritual enjoyment of the participants in the deep belief that Almighty God is our Companion in our everyday life and thoughts. It starts with the celebration of the Lord's Resurrection. (Rev. George Mastrantonis)

Great and Holy Pascha
Sunday of Thomas
Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women
Sunday of Saint John Climacus
Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
Saturday of The Blind Man
Ascension of Our Lord
Holy Pentecost