Be the Bee #155 | How Should Orthodox Christians Preach the Gospel?

Orthodox Christianity is perhaps the best-kept secret in America. Why? And how can we help share the Good News?

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Sunday School Students to Learn about Missions

St. Augustine, FL - The Orthodox Christian Mission Center's (OCMC) annual Mission Lesson Plans and accompanying Mission Coin Box program are designed to help build mission awareness in Sunday School students. It is a way to help Orthodox Christians of all ages become aware of the command that Christ gave us to, "Go and make disciples of all nations," (Matthew 28:19).

Every year, the Mission Center produces mission-focused lesson plans for three age levels: high school, middle school and pre-kindergarten through third grade. In 2005, all the lessons are built around the scripture verse from Romans 10:14, "How can they call on one who they have not believed? And how can they believe in one of whom they have not heard? How can they hear without someone preaching to them, and how can they preach unless they are sent?"

To engage the children further in learning about missions, the OCMC offers Mission Coin Boxes, which can be used with the lesson plans during Great Lent. By filling their Coin Boxes the children participate in mission work by helping to send those who preach the Gospel, who teach the Faith, and who make disciples of all nations. In 2004 over $55,500 was raised by Orthodox students around the country through this program.

The kick-off for the program is Mission Sunday, designated by SCOBA to be March 13, 2005. On Mission Sunday, the participating parishes distribute a Mission Coin Box to each student. Throughout Great Lent the children collect their coins and on Palm Sunday the children bring their Coin Boxes back to Sunday School where the money is counted, totaled and sent to the Mission Center. Parishes that participate will receive a Certificate of Appreciation from the Mission Center to be displayed in the Sunday School classroom.

To sign your parish up to participate in OCMC's Mission Coin Box program contact the Orthodox Christian Mission Center at [email protected] or 1-877-GO-FORTH (463-6784). More information about the Mission Coin Box program and the 2005 Mission Lesson Plans can be found at

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