Metropolis of San Francisco

California Parish Launches Capital Campaign

LAGUNA BEACH, Calif. – St. Basil Church in San Juan Capistrano recently launched their capital campaign to build a permanent sanctuary in south Orange County, Calif. The inaugural Legacy Gala was held Jan. 7.

Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco was the honored guest at the event chaired by Thomas Kousoulas and Andrew Keratzides and their committee.

Grand Benefactor Chris Alevizos was recognized for his $530,000 donation in memory of his late wife, Demietra.

Alevizos also hosted a private dinner the evening before the Gala where $300,000 was raised in addition to existing donations of more than $200,000. This brings total contributions to over $1 million prior to the gala.

On the evening of the Legacy Gala, the spirit of giving caught on quickly, as Archon Nikiforos and Georgia Valaskantjis and their three sons and daughters-in-law, Perry and Christy Valaskantjis, George and Georgia Valaskantjis, and Peter and Jenny Valaskantjis, came forward to donate $200,000. Archon Nikiforos Valaskantjis was so inspired as he witnessed the enthusiasm and vision of this flourishing young congregation that he pledged an additional $1 million to the effort. By the conclusion of the Legacy Gala, over $2.25 million in total contributions was raised.

In his keynote address at the Gala, Metropolitan Gerasimos stated, “This parish will grow as the land is acquired and the buildings are built. But, what has made this parish grow so quickly is what is happening inside the space you have now. Land and buildings will make things possible, but never lose the energy, the faith, the commitment, and the spirit that we experience inside them.”

Since 2011, St. Basil Church has grown from a small group 35 families to 170 active families, under the inspired efforts of Fr. William Tragus and parish council President Demosthenis Zeppos.

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