Lecture “The Council of Nicaea: Challenges and Opportunities for the Church Today" at Catholic University of America

First and foremost, allow me to thank the Institute of the Study of Eastern Christianity and the Catholic University of America for the gracious invitation to deliver this lecture – which is extremely timely, given the fast approaching anniversary of seventeen hundred years from the First universally recognized Ecumenical Council, held in the Bithynian City of Nicaea – now called Iznik. 

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September 19, 2024

Address for Hellenic College Holy Cross Convocation 

Address for Hellenic College Holy Cross Convocation 

Our convocation today is an opportunity for me to invite all of you into hearing our call together. It is not merely an opportunity for an address, because the very word, “convocation,” implies that we – all of us – are responding to a call. In our case, the call is from the Lord Himself, to follow Him. And that is what this institution is really about – teaching and manifesting the Way – the Ὁδός – that our Lord trod before us. The Way of Faith. The Way of Hope. The Way of Love. 

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September 15, 2024

Remarks at the Legacy Luncheon, Maliotis Cultural Center

Remarks at the Legacy Luncheon, Maliotis Cultural Center

I want to welcome all of you, and thank you for making the effort and being part of our Legacy Luncheon today. Your membership in the Hellenic College Holy Cross Founders Legacy Society is as visionary as it is necessary for the future of our precious Σχολή. You are all invaluable participants in a movement that will redound to the prosperity of this Institution – perhaps in ways we cannot even conceive of in this present moment. 

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September 15, 2024

Closing Remarks for the September Eleventh Memorial Service

Closing Remarks for the September Eleventh Memorial Service

We have gathered today to remember – to re-connect to those we loved and lost on September Eleventh. The Saint Nicholas National Shrine is grateful to welcome and embrace all of you, and the roles and traditions that you proudly display and observe. For this Shrine, the resurrected and rebuilt House of God that once humbly graced Cedar Street and was destroyed on 9/11, is a place and indeed, a palace, of memory for all.

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September 11, 2024

Speech On the Ordination to the Priesthood of Very Reverend Second-in-Rank Deacon Mr. Kallinikos Chasapis 

Speech On the Ordination to the Priesthood of Very Reverend Second-in-Rank Deacon Mr. Kallinikos Chasapis 

On the day on which one year ends for the Church and within a few hours a new year will begin, this day was chosen for you by His All Holiness our Master and Holiest Father, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, our spiritual Father, for you to enter the holy of holies of the altar, and in this most sacred Patriarchal Church, which embodies the holy of holies of the entire Genos and, dare I say the world Orthodoxy. 

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August 31, 2024

Archbishop Elpidophoros Remarks at Blue Dream

Archbishop Elpidophoros Remarks at Blue Dream

Sisters and Brothers,


I cannot emphasize enough how pleased I am to be present this year for Blue Dream, the amazing ministry of this extraordinary Parish of the Hamptons, led by the extraordinary hosts of this evening.

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August 25, 2024

Archbishop Elpidophoros Benediction at the Democratic National Convention, August 20

Archbishop Elpidophoros Benediction at the Democratic National Convention, August 20

Eternal and Ever-Living God, Source of goodness and grace: we come before You, seeking Your Heavenly Benediction upon this Democratic National Convention.

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August 20, 2024

Remarks at the Consecration Banquet (and Benediction) for Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, August 18, 2024

Remarks at the Consecration Banquet (and Benediction) for Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, August 18, 2024

What a joy to gather in the fellowship of this Agape meal, to continue our celebration of the Consecration of your wonderful Temple.

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August 18, 2024

His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America Remarks at the Opening of the 102nd Order of AHEPA Convention

His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America Remarks at the Opening of the 102nd Order of AHEPA Convention

Είμαι ιδιαίτερα συγκινημένος γιατί βρίσκομαι σήμερα μαζί σας, αυτή την ιστορική στιγμή, σέ αυτό το ευλογημένο και ταλαιπωρημένο νησί της Κύπρου, μισό αιώνα μετά την Τουρκική εισβολή και την παράνομη κατοχή, συμπαραστεκόμενος τους  Κύπριους αδελφούς μας, στην απαίτησή τους για ειρήνη και για απόδοση δικαιοσύνης. 

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July 25, 2024

Archbishop Elpidophoros Remarks at the Memorial on the 50th Black Anniversary of the Illegal Turkish Invasion of Cyprus July 20, 2024

Archbishop Elpidophoros Remarks at the Memorial on the 50th Black Anniversary of the Illegal Turkish Invasion of Cyprus July 20, 2024

We came to our National Shrine today, to pray and to worship, and to ordain a young monastic; but we also came here – in this place where injustice and tragedy have forever marked the land – to remember the dark day when our precious Cyprus was invaded by the forces of division and destruction. On this Fiftieth Black Anniversary, when we desire – more than ever – a just, equitable, and peaceful reunification of this Island Nation, we also stand in prayer and supplication for the souls of all those who were lost, and we offer this Memorial.

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July 21, 2024

Archbishop News