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Archdiocese Benefits Office (ABO)

8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10075-0106
Tel.: (212) 570-3535 • Fax: (212) 774-0294
Email: [email protected] 
Web: benefits.goarch.org

Director: Anna Vrettos | [email protected] 
Administrative Assistant: Vicky Yotides | [email protected] 
Accountant: Peter Boulas | [email protected] 

Archdiocese Benefits Committee (ABC)


As Orthodox Christians we are called to trust in the Lord for all our needs both human and spiritual. We know, however, that we must do our share. For the spiritual “security” of our souls we must pray, fast, confess and live a Christ-like life. For the physical “security” of our lives we must institute a pension, life insurance, medical and disability program.

To address the temporal needs of our clergy the Archdiocese Benefits Committee was established to direct and manage the Archdiocesan Benefits Program for clergy and lay employees.

To address the temporal needs of our clergy the Archdiocese Benefits Committee was established to direct and manage the Archdiocesan Benefits Program for clergy and lay employees.

ABC 2024-2026 Executive Committee:

ABC Chair: Rev. Fr. John Touloumes | [email protected] 
ABC Vice-Chair: Rev. Fr. Mark Pakes | [email protected] 
Administration Committee Chair: Rev. Fr. Constantine Simeonidis | [email protected] 
Benevolence Committee Chair: Rev. Fr. Nicholas Anctil | [email protected] 
Insurance Committee Chair: Rev. Fr. Simon Thomas | [email protected] 
Investment Committee Chair: Rev. Fr. Mark Pakes | [email protected] 

ABC 2024-2026 Voting Members:

Elected Representatives
Rev. Fr. Nicholas Anctil (Archdiocese District)
Rev. Fr. Basil Arabatzis (Metropolis of Boston)
Mrs. Marissa Cotsidis (Archdiocese Lay Employees)
Rev. Fr. Peter Delvizis (Metropolis of New Jersey)
Rev. Fr. Jason Houck (Metropolis of Chicago)
Rev. Fr.  Mark Pakes (Metropolis of Denver)
Rev. Fr. Nebojsa Pantic (Metropolis of San Francisco)
Rev. Fr. Constantine Simeonidis (Metropolis of Atlanta)
Rev. Fr. Simon Thomas (Metropolis of Detroit)
Rev. Fr. John Touloumes (Metropolis of Pittsburgh)

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Appointees
Rev. Fr. Soterios Baroody (Archdiocese Chief Financial Officer)
Rev. Fr. James Greanias
Rev. Fr. Nikolas Karloutsos

ABC 2024-2026 Ex-Officio Members:

His Eminence Metropolitan Nathaniel of Chicago - Hierarchical Liaison to the Synod
His Grace Bishop Nektarios of Diokleia - Chancellor of the Archdiocese
Mrs. Anna Vrettos – Director, Archdiocese Benefits Office
Rev. Fr. Peter Orfanakos - President, Archdiocesan Presbyters Council
Presvytera Pearlann Bithos - President, National Sisterhood of Presvyteres
Rev. Fr. Michael Kontogiorgis – Representative, Retired Clergy Association

ABC Standing Committees

The Archdiocese Benefits Committee meets twice a year, each Spring and Fall, to receive and act on reports from its standing committees. Each standing committee consists of clergy and lay-persons with particular interest and professional expertise in the areas the committee oversees.

The Administration Committee meets at least four times a year. It is responsible for the operation of the Pension Plan. It establishes rules for its administration and acts on applications for pension benefits and related issues.

2024-2026 Members
Rev. Fr. Constantine Simeonides, Chair (Elected Rep - ATL)
Rev. Fr. Nicholas Anctil (Elected Rep - AD)
Rev. Fr. Jason Houck (Elected Rep - CHI)
Rev. Fr. Soterios Baroody (GOA)
Rev. Fr. Nikolas Karloutsos (GOA)
Rev. Fr. James Greanias (GOA)

The Investment Committee meets regularly to review the investment performance of the Pension Fund against established objectives and strategies. It establishes the investment guidelines and has the power to appoint and dismiss the funding agent(s).

2024-2026 Members
Rev. Fr. Mark Pakes, Chair (Elected Rep - DEN)
Rev. Fr. Basil Arabatzis (Elected Rep - BOS)
Rev. Fr. Constantine Simeonidis (Elected Rep - ATL)
Rev. Fr. Soterios Baroody (GOA)
Rev. Fr. Nikolas Karloutsos (GOA)
Rev. Fr. James Greanias (GOA)

The Insurance Plans Committee meets as needed to consider issues related to the Archdiocese-sponsored insurance plans. It selects the insurance carrier, appoints the broker-administrator and negotiates benefits and rates.

2024-2026 Members
Rev. Fr. Simon Thomas, Chair (Elected Rep - DET)
Rev. Fr. Peter Delvizis (Elected Rep - NJ)
Rev. Fr. Nebosja Pantic (Elected Rep - SF)
Rev. Fr. Soterios Baroody (GOA)
Rev. Fr. Nikolas Karloutsos (GOA)
Rev. Fr. James Greanias (GOA)

The Benevolence Committee considers and acts on requests for financial assistance for clergy and their families.

2024-2026 Members
Rev. Fr. Nick Antil, Chair (Elected Rep - AD)
Rev. Fr. Peter Delvizis (Elected Rep - NJ)
Rev. Fr. Nebosja Pantic (Elected Rep - SF)
Rev. Fr. Soterios Baroody (GOA)
Rev. Fr. Nikolas Karloutsos (GOA)
Rev. Fr. James Greanias (GOA)

Mercer Pension Administration

Mercer Administration assistance contact number: (877) 261-8694
Available Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm ET
Website: thegoa.mypensioncenter.com

Orthodox Health Plan Administration

Office General Contact Info: (203) 367-4070
Plan email: [email protected] 
Principal Contact: George Caravakis | [email protected]

Additional Resources

Orthodox HealthPlan


The Orthodox HealthPlan is a group policy that provides benefits for the clergy and lay employees of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and other Orthodox jurisdictions in the United States of America.

Confidential Assistance Program (CAP)

The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese is pleased to offer you access to the Confidential Assistance Program (CAP), which is a no-cost service available to help you with the issues that you or your family may face at different times in your life. It's your source for support, resources and information. CAP also can offer personalized, relevant information based on your needs.


Pension Plan Financial Statements and Reports

Downloadble PDFs of the Financial Statements and Reports of Independent Certified Public Accountants for the Pension Plan for Clergymen and Lay Employees of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

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Amendment to the Pension Plan for the Clergy and Lay Employees