His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America Remarks at the Opening of the 102nd Order of AHEPA Convention

Είμαι ιδιαίτερα συγκινημένος γιατί βρίσκομαι σήμερα μαζί σας, αυτή την ιστορική στιγμή, σέ αυτό το ευλογημένο και ταλαιπωρημένο νησί της Κύπρου, μισό αιώνα μετά την Τουρκική εισβολή και την παράνομη κατοχή, συμπαραστεκόμενος τους  Κύπριους αδελφούς μας, στην απαίτησή τους για ειρήνη και για απόδοση δικαιοσύνης. 

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July 25, 2024

Archbishop Elpidophoros Remarks at the Memorial on the 50th Black Anniversary of the Illegal Turkish Invasion of Cyprus July 20, 2024

Archbishop Elpidophoros Remarks at the Memorial on the 50th Black Anniversary of the Illegal Turkish Invasion of Cyprus July 20, 2024

We came to our National Shrine today, to pray and to worship, and to ordain a young monastic; but we also came here – in this place where injustice and tragedy have forever marked the land – to remember the dark day when our precious Cyprus was invaded by the forces of division and destruction. On this Fiftieth Black Anniversary, when we desire – more than ever – a just, equitable, and peaceful reunification of this Island Nation, we also stand in prayer and supplication for the souls of all those who were lost, and we offer this Memorial.

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July 21, 2024

Invocation at the Republican National Convention July 15, 2024

Invocation at the Republican National Convention July 15, 2024

Look down now upon this gathering of our Nation’s political leaders, and grant them illumined hearts and minds, as they strive to serve their fellow citizens through this Republican National Convention.

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July 15, 2024

Remarks at the Banquet for the Thyranixia of the Saint Anna Greek Orthodox Church

Remarks at the Banquet for the Thyranixia of the Saint Anna Greek Orthodox Church

We have exited the Church we just entered a little while ago, and prayed with all our hearts to the Lord of All. Tomorrow, we shall celebrate His Mystical Supper and receive the Bread of Eternal Life and the Chalice of Immortality. And now, we gather in this wonderful Agape Feast that has been prepared with such obvious loving care.

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July 15, 2024

Remarks at Clergy Breakfast – 47th Clergy Laity Congress

Remarks at Clergy Breakfast – 47th Clergy Laity Congress

First and foremost, I want to pause for a moment, to be still and to think of those clergy for whom we have just chanted the Trisagion. We owe a debt of gratitude and remembrance to them, for they fought the good fight, they finished the course of their ministries, and they have gone before us into the Mansions of the Father’s House. May their memory be eternal.

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July 8, 2024

Archepiscopal Farewell Message to the Participants of the 47th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress

Archepiscopal Farewell Message to the Participants of the 47th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress

In the aftermath of our gathering as the Ecclesia of God, allow me to share some thoughts with you as a coda to our gathering, we came together from every corner of our Church in America, from the Metropolises and Parishes, from the Monasteries, from the nationwide Philoptochos Chapters, from the Young Adult League chapters from coast to coast, from our Archdiocesan Institutions, and from our fellow Orthodox Churches and Ecumenical partners.

We came together to remind ourselves that in Christ, We Are One.

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July 6, 2024

Archbishop Elpidophoros Cyprus: Land of Embrace Program Remarks

Archbishop Elpidophoros Cyprus: Land of Embrace Program Remarks

This evening’s tribute to the wondrous Island Nation of Cyprus will refresh us all with a loving embrace of this paradise of promise and progress. I want to thank all of the performers and producers of the program in advance for their labor of love, and especially Isidoros and Maria Garifalakis for their lead sponsorship of this marvelous event.

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July 5, 2024

Remarks by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros Philoptochos Agape Breakfast Philoptochos Opening

Remarks by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros Philoptochos Agape Breakfast Philoptochos Opening

I so look forward to the Philoptochos AGAPE Breakfast, because it is unique opportunity to recognize your own Chapters, and to share in the joy of their ministries is truly a pleasure and a privilege. And I believe it is a necessary boost to the spirits of all...

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July 4, 2024

Archbishop Elpidophoros of America Retired Clergy Association General Assembly 47th Clergy Laity Congress

Archbishop Elpidophoros of America Retired Clergy Association General Assembly 47th Clergy Laity Congress

When I think of you, the Retired Clergy of our Sacred Archdiocese, I think of the venerable pillars of our Church. You have upheld the parishes for so many decades, dedicating your lives to the spiritual growth and health of our Church in America. And many of you continue to serve in so many capacities, assisting the younger clergy and providing for them your wealth of experience and wisdom. You take care of each other, remembering those who have fallen into ill health, and remembering the Presvyteres whose husbands have passed on. You keep in touch with one another through this marvelous organization: the Greek Orthodox Retired Clergy Association, formed thirty-six years ago...

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July 4, 2024

Remarks at Clergy Family Dinner – 47th Clergy Laity Congress

Remarks at Clergy Family Dinner – 47th Clergy Laity Congress

This dinner, so wonderfully arranged and sponsored by the Nicholas J. and Anna Bouras Foundation, is one of my favorite highlights of the Clergy Laity Congress. To be with the clergy is always joyful for any Hierarch, but to see your families – your Presvyteres and children … well, that is superlative joy.

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July 4, 2024

Archbishop News