For the Life of the World: A Lenten Study Guide for Parishes

For the Life of the World: A Lenten Study Guide for Parishes

As Great Lent approaches, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is pleased to announce a Lenten study guide for parishes to navigate For the Life of the World: Toward a Social Ethos of the Orthodox Church. Enriched by scriptural, patristic, theological, and spiritual references, For the Life of the World serves as a powerful social doctrine to navigate through these often perplexing and difficult times, as Orthodox Christians, in a post-modern world.

Prepared especially for parish study and reading groups, this study guide will aid the faithful in addressing a multitude of contemporary challenges including poverty, racism, human rights, and environmentalism through the richness of the Orthodox spiritual tradition.

His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros recommended its use to all clergy throughout the country “for the purpose of initiating fruitful reflection and discussion at various levels among their parishioners, young and mature, on our engagement as Orthodox Christians with one another and with the broader society.” It is his prayer and hope that parishes might “appropriately use the opportunity and blessing of this publication for the catechetical and spiritual enrichment of our faithful.” 

The Study Guide is available for your parish here:

The Department of Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations will be featuring study guide questions weekly on social media to spark discussion and reflection of this timely document. Follow the Department’s page here:

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