Episode 7 – Season 2, The Black American Orthodox Experience on OCN. An Interview with Terri Veronica Brown Neal – Mentorship, Activism & Iconography | TBAOE

In this seventh episode of “The Black American Orthodox Experience” (season 2), a collaboration of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the Orthodox Christian Network, Rev. Samuel Davis discusses with Terri Veronica Brown Neal her remarkable journey over faith, activism, and community service in pursuit of justice. From her initial involvement with the Dream Defenders following Trayvon Martin’s tragic death to her ongoing dedication to social justice causes, Terry has consistently demonstrated her unwavering commitment to creating positive change. Her efforts include advocating for voting rights restoration, renaming schools honoring Confederate figures, and supporting marginalized communities through various initiatives. As a convert to Orthodoxy, Terri’s faith has become a guiding force, strengthening her resolve to serve both her spiritual and local communities. Through her multidaceted activism, Terri’s legacy stands as a testament to the transformative power of compassion and resilience in the face of systemic injustice.

Terri Brown Neal's journey is truly inspiring, showcasing the profound impact that one individual can have when driven by a deep sense of compassion and justice. Her story highlights the importance of intersectionality, as she seamlessly integrates her faith, activism, and community service to effect meaningful change. By engaging in diverse initiatives, from advocating for voting rights restoration to supporting families affected by cancer, Terri demonstrates a holistic approach to addressing social issues. Her commitment to amplifying marginalized voices and challenging systemic injustices serves as a powerful example for others to follow. Overall, Terri's journey underscores the transformative potential of combining personal conviction with collective action to create a more equitable and compassionate society.

The Black American Orthodox Experience is a program focused on Orthodox missions in America—insights, challenges, and how we can reach (and are reaching) members of Black, Indigenous, and other communities with the Church of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to feature honest and informative conversations about what the Great Commission looks like in modern America within a historical and cultural context. To watch the episode: youtube.com/watch?v=HkmEFPPfg-c

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