April 2024 St. Michael's Home Construction Updates

Apart from landscaping and the final layer of roadway asphalt, the exterior of the structure has been completely transformed with new windows, doors, brickwork, stuccoing, roofing, heating/ac units, etc. and the entire project is just over 2/3 complete. Focus is now on the interior and since all spaces have been partitioned, installation of HVAC, electrical work and plumbing continues and needs close to $2,000,000 to be completed. Once all those systems are installed, sheetrock will go up. While those materials have been purchased and are on-site, another $2,000,000 is needed to complete that major stage of construction. 

We are most appreciative to those who have participated in the Capital Campaign and their generosity enables the work to continue. If you have not yet participated in the campaign or if you have already donated and can make another contribution, NOW is the time for you to act. If it wasn’t for historic inflation which added over $7,000,000 to the cost of the project, the construction loan (only available to complete the last $10,000,000 of costs) could have been accessed and the new facility would be operating by now. 

With your help we can close the funding gap, access the loan and finish the project in 8 or so months!  There are countless seniors anxiously awaiting the opening of this magnificent state-of-the-art facility. 

To make a donation or to see Giving Levels & Naming Opportunities visit https://www.stmichaelshomeuniondale.org/. You can also contact [email protected].

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