2016 News Archives

2017 Archdiocesan Yearbook Dedicated to Archbishop Demetrios for 50 Years of Episcopal Ministry Now Available Online

2017 Archdiocesan Yearbook Dedicated To

Archbishop Demetrios For

50 Years Of Episcopal Ministry

Now Available Online

New York – The 2017 Yearbook of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is dedicated to His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Geron of America on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the Episcopacy.  The book is now available online at www.goarch.org/archdiocese/yearbook. The Yearbook can also be downloaded from the website as a pdf and used as a digital book on tablets, smart phones and other digital reading devices.

Hard copies of the 2017 Yearbook will be available by mail by the end of January. Please note that every parish of the Archdiocese will receive two complimentary copies in January.

The Yearbook is designed as an easy-to-read, accurate, reference handbook of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The new edition includes updated directories of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Archdiocesan departments and institutions, Metropolises, parishes, clergy, religious and secular media resources plus additional information.

This year’s edition is highlighted by the dedication to Archbishop Demetrios, who was elected to the Episcopacy on June 20, 1967 and consecrated as Bishop a few months later on September 17.  The Yearbook includes several pages in a full-color photo section which offer highlights of his five decades of episcopal ministry, especially his leadership of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

As representative of this leadership, his letter introducing this edition continues the focus on the theme from the recent Clergy Laity Congress held in Nashville, Tennessee: “You are the Voice of Christ in a Changing World.”  He states, “Christ sends us as His voice into a world that continues to change.  At the beginning of each calendar year we are reminded of this rapid change as we survey the events of the last twelve months.  In relation to our Holy Archdiocese, we are called as Orthodox Christians to meet this change with ­­grace and truth.  We do this as we commit to the timeless mission of the people of God to live and proclaim the Gospel.  We also do this as seen in the breadth and substance of our ministries and through expanding and adapting our work to meet contemporary needs.  We are sent by Christ with a message of hope and life and with the wisdom to navigate a changing and challenging world while sharing His grace in effective ways.”

Limited prepaid copies may be obtained by calling (212) 774-0244 or by sending a check/money order or credit card information for $24 ($18 cost of yearbook plus $6.00 s&h) payable to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Attn: Yearbook – 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10075.

Each Parish Will Automatically Receive Two Complimentary Copies.

Orthodox Observer Online