Metropolis of Pittsburgh 2024 Summer Camp Season a Success

The Metropolis of Pittsburgh is grateful for a beautiful season of our Metropolis of Pittsburgh Summer Camp at Camp Nazareth! They welcomed 425 campers and over 100 staff members, including cabin, support, administrative, medical, and Clergy, and are thankful to them for their time, dedication, and love for the program!

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Resources & Related Articles

Webinar: Wonderfully Made

We are created in the image of God, "fearfully and wonderfully" made by our Creator, yet most of us fail to appreciate the complexities of our bodies and how miraculously they operate. This discussion focuses on the wonder of our bodies, how disabilities lead to other abilities, and what we can do to fulfill our unique potential even with illnesses and disabilities. More »

Hymn-Singing for Young People

A collection of sites which offer listening and singing experiences with Greek Orthodox hymns especially for youth. Compiled for use at home, Church School, and during youth activities by the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians. More »

Christmas Hope

Fellow pilgrim of life, do not lose heart if you are missing and longing for family to celebrate life with. Just follow His Star, and you will find a Holy Family. Do not give up if you get sidetracked and become isolated, for deep within you something is telling your soul that there is a Light and a love waiting to be embraced and nurtured. More »

What is Love?

“I love your new SUV!” “I love this restaurant!” “I love that movie’s soundtrack.” Countless times, I have expressed these types of sentiments. Perhaps in my eagerness to describe a sincere appreciation for things, I casually say I love them. As innocent as this may appear, I begin to suspect that the careless and repeated misapplication of a word tends to dull its rich meaning. More »

Why Those Who Mourn Are Blessed

This beatitude always perplexed me. If you’re sad about something you would expect to be comforted but why are those who mourn blessed? More »

The Twelve Great Feasts, Vol. I: Traveling on the Ark of Salvation: Feasts of the Theotokos

Downloads and tips for adapting our VCS program to be done virtually More »

Religious Ed at Home: Summer Edition

The Department of Religious Education has compiled resources, guides and tips to continue learning about the Faith throughout the Summer More »

Religious Ed at Home - Week 8

Sunday of the Blind Man - Weekly resources, activities, lessons, and crafts for Religious Education at home. More »

Religious Ed at Home - Week 7

Sunday of the Samaritan Woman - Weekly resources, activities, lessons, and crafts for Religious Education at home. More »

Religious Ed at Home - Week 6

Sunday of the Paralytic - Weekly resources, activities, lessons, and crafts for Religious Education at home. More »