The Opioid Pandemic

The drug problem has concerned people for decades; from the spread of marijuana and heroin in the 1960s, to crack and cocaine in the 1980s and then Speed and LSD in the 1990s. The past decade or so we have seen the use of prescription narcotic painkillers spiral out of control. Yet drug use is no longer merely a problem. It is not even merely an epidemic, rather it has magnified to a pandemic. Opioids in particular have fueled this crisis. ... Read More
Young Adults

Soak Up the Son - Go Forth: Week 2

It's time to Soak Up the Son! This week we learn all about St. Macrina the Elder and her legacy of saints.

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Webinar: How Do We Understand Orthodox Marriage Today

Theologically speaking, does Orthodox view marriage as a contract, a covenant, or a mystery? How is marriage an image of the Holy Trinity? What are some of the challenges we face in living out an Orthodox Christian marriage? Join us in this webinar as we discuss the role of this holy sacrament in our contemporary times. More »

Lord, Do I Really Love You?

God isn’t looking for more members of the parish. God isn’t looking for religious consumers: people who come to church to get something. He’s looking for disciples: those willing to leave important things behind to follow something (Someone) of much greater importance. Discipleship is an orientation – a pattern of life – that involves commitment, action, sacrifice. More »

Webinar: Wonderfully Made

We are created in the image of God, "fearfully and wonderfully" made by our Creator, yet most of us fail to appreciate the complexities of our bodies and how miraculously they operate. This discussion focuses on the wonder of our bodies, how disabilities lead to other abilities, and what we can do to fulfill our unique potential even with illnesses and disabilities. More »

Saint Stephen is the patron saint of Young Adult Ministry in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. His total commitment to Jesus Christ shines as an example, guiding the ministry. St. Stephen was one of the first Deacons ordained in the church. At a young age, he actively preached the Gospel...