Desired Attributes of Sunday Church School Directors

Though it would certainly be difficult to find individuals possessing all the attributes mentioned below, all are desirable for those wishing to hold the position of director of a Sunday Church School (SCS). Directors are those who must make everything “go,” and the programs will be at their best only when the leadership is equal to the tasks. Read More
For Educators

Direct Archdiocesan District Office of Education

Contact Information

8 East 79 Street, New York, NY 10075-0106
Tel.: (212) 570-3552
Email: [email protected]

Connect With Us


The Direct Archdiocesan District Office of Education provides curriculum guides, materials, and in-service training to the administrators and teachers serving in the day and afternoon schools of the District.

The Office has been an avid advocate for the New York City parochial Greek Orthodox (or faith-based) day schools, representing the schools – and the Archdiocese - to the education authorities on the federal, state and city levels. As a result, the Office has been instrumental in securing federally funded services and materials for the day schools, thereby benefiting thousands of students.

The director of the Office is a member of the New York City Standing Committee of Religious & Independent Schools Officials, comprised of representatives of the City's major religious institutions, as well as a member of the New York State Commissioner’s Advisory Council for Nonpublic Schools.