The Department of Religious Education has embarked on a new line of resources for teaching junior high and high school students. Called "zines" (from magazine), each one explores one topic of the Orthodox Christian Faith in easy-to-read bites of information and accompanying images, with many interactive elements, such as questions for reflection or things to look up in the Bible.

The zines are not grade-specific, but work at a middle school / junior high (grades 5–9) or senior high (grades 10–12) level. Each zine also has a Teacher Guide for classroom use over several weeks as a unit of study. Click here for more information about the Teacher Guides.

The zines are a part of the Department's development of a “menu” of topics, allowing teachers and Church schools to select however many units they need for a Church school year.

In addition, the zines can be sent home, distributed to all parishioners, or placed in the narthex for parishioners or visitors.

Student Zines and Teacher Guides now available:

Visit: to place an order.

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