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Houston Chapter Raises $47,000 for Academy

Every January, the faithful stewards of the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, together with their communities, have a wonderful opportunity to carry out Christ’s command given to us in Matthew 25:40: “…inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you do it to Me.”

This year was no exception. Through hard work and support of the entire parish, the chapter forwarded $47,816.65 to National Philoptochos for the Academy.

Saint Basil Academy provides a loving, nurturing Orthodox Christian home for vulnerable children who would not otherwise have a stable environment in which to live. Saint Basil’s depends, in part, on the proceeds from the annual Vasilopita celebration held by Philoptochos chapters across the country for its operating funds. Annunciation Cathedral Philoptochos in Houston have devoted themselves enthusiastically to this cause for many years.

Project Chairman Eleni Kyriazis, and her committee spend two days in the festival kitchen baking 100 Vasilopites, which are sold for a minimum donation of $50 each.

They also bake larger versions that are cut during the after-Liturgy coffee hour and offered to all present. A basket for donations is placed on the coffee table. Each ministry and organization in the parish is invited to be recognized and participate in the celebration.

Most of the funds raised come from a lively auction of “special” Vasilopites baked at home by many parishioners and brought to the event as an offering of love for the children at Saint Basil’s.

The annual auctioneer, Nick Pantazis, who has a special place in his heart for this project, works hard before and during the event to make the auction a success.

He spends the week before the event reminding everyone not to miss this special occasion.

During the auction, while Nick is calling for bids, several parishioners carry the delicious and elaborately decorated Vasilopites through the crowd.

Over the years, a tradition of fun and friendly competition has developed that enables the chapter to raise needed monies to support Saint Basil’s.

Annunciation Orthodox Cathedral Philoptochos ladies have a tradition of opening their hearts and wallets to help support the institution’s important work.
