Ionian Village & Leadership 100 Continue Successful Young Adult Program "IV Next" in 2019

© 2019

 For young adults across the Archdiocese, the question of what is next in their life is constant, and almost unceasing. Finally, an answer has emerged: IV Next is what’s next.

Working together with, and funded in part by a gracious Leadership 100 grant, IV Next will continue programming started in 2018 focusing on the young adult experience of the Greek Orthodox faith and their Hellenic identity. With influential excursions of the classic Ionian Village program, and access to mentors from Leadership 100, IV Next aims to assist its participants in their journey to becoming young, professional Orthodox Christians.

Dozens of colleges and universities offer study abroad programs in Greece, and many of the programs of our own diaspora offer similar opportunities. However, IV Next is the only travel based program for young adults that has our Greek Orthodox Faith as a core tenet of the program. Only IV Next combines professional development, international travel, and the Orthodox Faith into one all-inclusive program.

The twelve-day itinerary includes time at the historic Ionian Village campgrounds, as well as excursions to the cornerstones of the travel program. Participants will engage in discussions about career goals, the financial realities of being a millennial, and how to successfully incorporate our Orthodox Faith into everyday business life. These conversations and sessions will provide not only a more solid understanding of vocation, but also serve as an excellent inter-community networking opportunity.

Through a varied schedule that includes visits to churches and monasteries, meetings with political and religious figures, and tours of museums and archaeological sites, IV Next participants will become familiarized with all aspects of Greece, her culture and people.

Participants of the IV Next program will be selected by from an online application. Participants will be required to get themselves to JFK for departure to Greece. The costs associated with this program (flights to and from Greece, meals, travel, lodging, sites and museums) are partially-subsidized through a generous grant from Leadership 100. Accepted Participants are required to pay a fee of $1,500 upon acceptance. 

Applications for IV Next are due March 24th, 2019. 

To be a part of the conversation, for more information, and to apply visit