Be the Bee #155 | How Should Orthodox Christians Preach the Gospel?

Orthodox Christianity is perhaps the best-kept secret in America. Why? And how can we help share the Good News?

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Stewardship: The Doubting Thomas

The first Sunday after Pascha is dedicated to St. Thomas the Apostle. The name comes from the Holy Gospel that is read on this Sunday. The Gospel begins with Jesus appearing to His Disciples on the evening of His holy Resurrection.

Thomas was not present when Jesus first showed Himself to His Disciples. When they told Thomas of the Lord’s appearance, he said that he would not believe until he saw the Lord himself. Eight days later, Jesus again appeared and called Thomas to Him and showed him His hands and side that Thomas might believe.

In the icon, Christ shows Himself to Thomas. Christ is the dominant figure at the center, initiating the movement in the icon as He bends toward Thomas and shows him His side. Thomas is called to see, touch and believe. The remaining Apostles stand as witnesses to the Risen Lord.

This icon is also depicts the Resurrection. We remember this gathering of the Disciples and celebrate Thomas’ confession on the eighth day after the Resurrection. It is a witness to us and a call to believe and profess our faith by crying out to our Redeemer together with Thomas: "My Lord and my God!"

Christ said, "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." These words were not spoken only for His Kingdom to come, but also for our daily lives. Christ completed His redemptive work through His person, teachings, Passion, and Resurrection. Believing in Him enables us to enjoy the fruits of new life — true communion with God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our STEWARDSHIP commitment is a pledge to be faithful to both Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition. The Apostles, Martyrs, Church Fathers, Ascetics, Saints, and countless Christians, empowered in this new life, testify to it as a dynamic reality so that we might join them and confess as does St. Thomas: "My Lord and My God!"

See: John 20:19-29

To learn more, visit the Department of Stewardship.

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